Medicine balls is a weighting weighing 1 to 20 kg, which is used for sport and rehabilitation training. Medicine balls are increasingly acquired to practice not only in the fitness rooms, but also at home.
The ball-weighting has been known for centuries, because the similar shells were made to ancient Greek and Persian soldiers. They used balloons filled with sand and made from the skin of animals to improve their strength and agility. Later, Hippocrates found the use of such balls in rehabilitation after war injuries, since the projectile had a minimum pressure on the joints.
So, what is the medicine balls, what is its use and what to know when buying this sport projectile?
What are medicine balls?
The name comes from the English medicine balls medicine ball – a medicine ball. It is a round ball with a diameter of about 35 cm, in shape and size resembling a basketball. Medicine balls filled with shavings, iron, gel or sand and covered with a dense rubber, nylon or leather to create a comfortable hold in the hand. Medicine balls are most often sold by weight from 1 to 20 kg, but also there are models with more weight.
Initially, medicine balls, has found its application in the rehabilitation training. But gradually exercises with medicine balls began to be used in professional sports to develop strength athletes. Wrestlers and boxers use a medicine ball to simulate the pressure from your opponent and improve muscles in arms, chest and shoulders. Exercises with medicine balls are very often included in training crossfit and HIIT programs.
In addition, many athletes who were injured, they use medicine balls to regain his former strength and agility without compromising health. Medicine balls not having much pressure on the joints and helps to train effectively and safely.
Unlike conventional medicine balls of the ball does not rebound from the surface and dampens the force of impact. It is one of my favorite shells in gyms, because unlike dumbbells and weights will not damage the floor surface. Medicine balls plays an important role in the field of sports medicine, however, should not be confused with a medicine ball a large inflatable ball, well known as the fitball.
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Advantages of training with medicine balls
Let’s look at the advantages of training with medicine balls for weight loss and health and fitness in General.
- Medicine balls is a great shell for effective explosive workout with weights to burn fat and tone muscles. You will strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen, legs and buttocks, create slender figure and quality body.
- The use of medicine balls increases the effectiveness of exercises aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system, because the projectile creates resistance throughout the range of motion.
- Training with medical ball held in the power saving mode to ligaments and joints. This minimizes the risk of injury and damage. That is why medicine balls are used for rehabilitation of older people and people after injury.
- Training with medical ball is especially effective for the development of stabilizing muscles and strengthening the corset muscles.
- A medicine ball takes up very little space in the apartment. Diameter of medicine balls weighing 20 kg is only 30-35 cm
- Medicine balls can be useful for plyometric and cardiovascular training for development of speed-power qualities, explosive power and power endurance. Love medicine balls in training in crossfit.
- The ball-weighting is actively used for teaching children and adolescents as the best way to overcome fear of exercise with free weights.
- Exercises with medicine balls the absolute physiologic for the human body. With it, you will develop overall physical strength which will come in handy in everyday life.
- Medicine balls can be used as a projectile in sports. This will help to combine fitness and active leisure interesting.
- Medicine balls used for exercise on balance, agility and coordination development.
The 30 best exercise mebrom
We offer you a unique selection of exercises with medicine balls. Feature exercises with medicine balls is that they help to simultaneously use multiple muscle groups. This will help you to tighten the body and burn excess fat quickly and effectively.
Full review FITNESS EQUIPMENT for home
1. The rotation of the body
2. Eight
3. The impact of medicine balls against the floor
4. Side lunges
5. Side lunges on the spot
6. Diagonal lunges
7. Squatting diagonally
8. Squats to the side
9. Swing squat
10. Squats with jumping
11. Lunge back with triceps on bench
12. Lunges forward
13. Lunge back with the scroll of the medicine balls
14. Plyometric lunges
15. Running with high knee lift
16. Skater
17. Jump star
18. Burpee
19. Burpee’s low impact
20. Climber
21. Leg lifts in plank
22. Jump from plank to squat
23. Jumping into the bar with medicine balls
24. Rifts with medicine balls
25. Plank on hands with medicine balls
26. Double twisting
27. Turns the body to the cortex
28. Twisting with the toss of the ball
29. Reverse crunches
30. Touch the breast knees for the press
Thanks for the gifs youtube channel: Shortcircuits with Marsha.
How to choose the medicine balls?
When choosing the weight of the medicine balls, focus on your individual capabilities. Try to do some exercise: the ball should be heavy enough that you could feel the resistance. You must keep usual coordination to training with medicine balls is safe for muscles and ligaments.
If you mainly target workout for weight loss, developing explosive power and endurance, you’ll like medicine balls small weight: 1-5 kg (for girls) or 3-7 kg (for men). If you want to develop your power skills and work on the muscles, choose a medicine ball of a greater weight: 5-10 kg (for girls) or 10-15 kg (for men). You should not take the maximum possible weight “in mind”, remember that you will need to do at least 10-20 repetitions. It is better to take a small ball and growth of your physical readiness to move on to more heavy weights.
Pay attention to the quality of the coating of the ball, it must be sturdy and solid. Try to keep it in your hand, the surface should not be slippery or uncomfortable in the hand. Often there are balls with special handles for comfort during exercise:
However, when choosing between medicine balls round shape and with handles, we recommend you to stay exactly on the round option. It is more versatile, suitable for strength exercises and exercises for balance.
The cost of medicine balls depends on it’s weight and coverage. The better the coverage and the greater the weight of the ball, the higher its price. Prices on medicine balls can vary 2-3 times depending on the manufacturer and the quality of the coating.
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Medbay with leather coating
Medbay with rubber coating
Training with medicine balls: 5 effective video
We offer 5 popular exercises with medicine balls on youtube. The program is ideal for practicing at home. They will help you not only lose weight but and start using a medicine ball as efficiently as possible.
1. Training with medicine balls for the whole body (27 minutes)
Training with medicine balls to tone the entire body from celebrity trainers FitnessBlender. The lesson lasts for 27 minutes and includes 8 exercises that are repeated in 3 rounds.
2. The body workout with medicine balls (18 minutes)
Vigorous exercise for weight loss and body tone offers coach Amy BodyFit. In 18 minutes you will burn calories and strengthen the muscles of the legs, abdomen and arms.
3. Intensive training with medicine balls (20 minutes)
This HIIT workout with medicine balls from Russian coach Elena Malova in Spanish. If you like intense exercise, this 20-minute program you will love it.
4. Training with medicine balls for crust (8 minutes)
But if you would like to work on the muscles of the abdomen and to tighten the press, then try the program from a fitness GymRa channel. This 8-minute medicine balls are suitable for both beginners and trained student.
5. Training with medicine balls for bark (7 minutes)
Another effective activity for the development of the core muscles with a medical ball offers famous coach BeachBody Autumn Calabrese. It lasts only 7 minutes, but if you make 3 rounds of 7 exercises, you will receive a full 20-minute workout.
Medicine balls variety to your workout, increase their efficiency, and will help even better work the muscles in the entire body. If you are thinking about the purchase of sports equipment, a medicine ball have to be on the list of planned purchases.
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