Medical treatments for pneumonia

Medical treatments for pneumonia

Treatment depends above all on the cause of pneumonia (bacteria, virus, fungus…). To choose the appropriate treatment, the doctor also bases himself on the age, state of health and a physical examination of the person and, if necessary, on various additional analyzes.

Home treatment

Bacterial pneumonia. In healthy people, most community acquired pneumonia is treated with a antibiotic from the macrolide class (erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin). There is usually no reason to go to the hospital.

The bacteria responsible for pneumonia are increasingly resistant to antibiotics. The phenomenon is particularly worrying in the case of pneumonia acquired in hospital. If the antibiotic does not seem to work after a few days, it may be necessary to change the antibiotic. To avoid contributing to resistance, it is important to take your treatment until the end, as prescribed by your doctor.

Viral pneumonia. Most of the time, viral pneumonia will go away without treatment. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses. In some cases, antiviral drugs can be used, such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) or zanamivir (Relenza®). If needed, other medications will help relieve chest pain and lower fever (paracetamol, also called acetaminophen, and more rarely Ibuprofen, which is recommended in Quebec).

With regard to the cough, one should not eliminate it completely since it contributes to expel the secretions which clutter the bronchi. Cough syrups are also generally not recommended by doctors. To relieve coughs and sore throats, natural solutions, such as drinking hot water with a little honey added, are best.

Respiratory physiotherapy. This technique, especially used in people with chronic respiratory disease, can help de-clutter the airways. In Quebec, respiratory therapists teach it to patients. Percussion movements are performed on the patient’s back, which triggers the cough and evacuates the secretions. The person should be lying face down with the upper body tilted down. Respiratory physiotherapy appears to help shorten healing time and prevent complications.

Order Tracking. A visit to the doctor, 4 to 6 weeks after the diagnosis and a pulmonary radiography will help ensure that the pneumonia is well cured. If it does not heal within the usual time frame, the doctor will recommend an appropriate investigation, such as a CT scan (scanner) or bronchoscopy. Persistent pneumonia can be caused by a tumor in a bronchus.

Hospital treatment

When the pneumonia is serious or the risk of complications is high, hospitalization may be required. You can then administer drugs intravenously or provide oxygen if the blood oxygen level is found to be too low. Most people hospitalized with pneumonia are babies, toddlers, the elderly, or people who are debilitated and chronically ill.


For better comfort


  • The sitting position is the most comfortable. Horizontally, breathing is more laborious. At night, opt for a slightly reclined position. Elevate your back using pillows.
  • Applying a warm, moist compress to the chest helps relieve chest pain.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • In the early stages of the disease, avoid exposure to cold air.
  • Stop strenuous physical activities. Resume them gradually, according to abilities.
  • Do not take cough syrup without asking the doctor’s advice. Some over-the-counter syrups may prevent the mucus from draining and make it worse.


Medical treatments for pneumonia: understand everything in 2 min

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