medical examination in Kaluga, lifting in Kaluga, hemorrhoid treatment in Kaluga, Es Class Clinic, Kaluga Railway Hospital, Kaluga Health Clinic
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Sometimes we do not have enough time to undergo a full examination of the body, decide on a rejuvenating procedure or visit a doctor who relieves an ailment caused by a sedentary lifestyle. It is important not to postpone a visit to a specialist!
Spring is the time to test your body!
Spring is on the doorstep, and our body wakes up and renews itself along with nature. As a rule, with the arrival of spring, our mood improves, metabolic processes are accelerated and our body is more and more actively producing hormones of happiness.
But there are days when headaches suddenly come, and you start looking for pills from colleagues at work, after lunch you feel a heaviness in your stomach, and in the evening you feel tired. And so I want to be happy, and most importantly – healthy!
Now is the time to visit a therapist or undergo a comprehensive examination. This can be done in your own clinic, or, without queues and haste, undergo a full examination and get the necessary consultations in a private clinic, for example in
You are young and beautiful!
The search for beauty is as old as the human race. When it makes no sense to apply cosmetics, a cosmetic surgeon comes to the rescue. Not a single cream, not a single massage will make the chest high, will not smooth the neck, will not erase wrinkles from the face and eyelids. Only a surgeon is able to tighten the skin again (let’s call a lift by the term “lifting”), remove excess fat (from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks), tighten the abdominal muscles.
The face inevitably grows old and mercilessly betrays the woman’s age. Lifting helps to keep or make him young. Husbands and children always take special pride when a wife or mother looks young. In addition to lifting, today it is possible to improve the oval of the face using the lipofilling procedure – it consists in taking in its own fat and injecting it in small volumes where it is deficient.
A modern way to enlarge a small breast is to place a prosthesis (implant). It is worth using implants only from reliable foreign companies. For those who do not want to install implants, there is the possibility of enlarging the mammary glands with their own fat, while the breasts will become 1–2 sizes larger than the previous ones.
A popular method of regaining beauty is blepharoplasty – removal of bags and wrinkles under the eyes and the overhanging skin of the upper eyelids. The rejuvenating effect of this procedure is obvious and long lasting.
Return youth and beauty will help you in
Getting rid of the “disease of the kings”
Hemorrhoids are diseases caused by inflammation, thrombosis and abnormal enlargement of hemorrhoidal veins that form nodes around the rectum. The disease can manifest itself for many reasons. For example, great physical activity, excessive passion for spicy food and alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent constipation, heredity. Hemorrhoids also attack women during pregnancy and after childbirth.
The number of people suffering from this ailment is rapidly increasing every year. In order to defeat the disease quickly and without discomfort, you need to contact a competent specialist, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable and severe.
It is a mistake to think that everything will go away on its own and there is no need to see a doctor. Having suffered from ointments, suppositories and folk remedies that only temporarily relieve pain, or even aggravate the situation altogether, we still turn to a proctologist. After all, a real specialist does not remove the symptoms of the disease, but fights against the root cause of its appearance.
You can conduct an examination and get advice on the treatment of hemorrhoids in
In the treatment of the “disease of the kings”, a dearterization procedure is prescribed. It allows you to treat hemorrhoids at different stages of the disease without disability. Thanks to modern equipment and innovative technologies, the procedure is painless and bloodless. In another way, dearterization can be called “treatment of hemorrhoids in 1 hour.” Judge for yourself: the operation takes about 40 minutes. In front of her, the patient does not have to prepare for a long time and take days off at work. Immediately after the operation, a person is in the day hospital of the clinic under the supervision of a doctor for several hours, and then goes home.
Return to a fulfilling and healthy life!
There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist!