Masturbation Masculine

Masturbation Masculine

Male and female masturbation is a sexual practice essential to sexual fulfillment and well-being. Alone or in pairs, it allows you to give yourself pleasure thanks to manual stimulation of the penis. So, why and how to masturbate well when you are a man?

Which men masturbate?

According to studies, 90 to 95% of men in Western societies admit to having already had recourse to masturbation. Nowadays, men no longer hesitate to make such statements because of religious guilt and freedom from certain fears of medical origin.

How do you come to masturbate?

The study Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, commonly referred to as the Kinsey Report, shows that almost all boys have heard of masturbation before they’ve done it. Quite the opposite of women who “discover masturbation much more often on their own, without knowing that other people, before them, have already engaged in such activities”.

For almost 70% of boys, masturbation is the cause of their first ejaculation. For the others, it is either a coitus or a nocturnal pollution.

Many people say that they have reached their first real orgasm even before they have acquired the ability to ejaculate. 

Masturbating techniques

In humans, the Kinsley report teaches us that masturbation is almost exclusively manual. There are still some individuals who use the technique of rubbing against other objects, but it would remain rare and experimental.

Once again, almost all of them accompany the practice by a mental stimulation marked by erotic ideas, sometimes scripted.

The report mentions a practice which is anatomically impossible for humans, whereas it is very common among these hominoid cousins: auto-fellatio. According to Kinsley, 2 or 3 men in 1000 have the physical capacities. 

Is masturbation normal?

For the authors Nairne and Hemsley, there is ” no consensus or principle on what is normal. These days, it is everyone’s responsibility to find what is important to them in terms of sexual and emotional fulfillment. »

In boys, masturbation is often a major source of guilt for several reasons. First, he thinks he knows that those around him know he is masturbating. Then, he finds it difficult to consider as rewarding his masturbatory practices and the stimuli that he puts in place and which are necessary to achieve orgasm. Finally, he may perceive masturbation as “incompetent behavior”, showing that he is incapable of conquering a girl. 

Indications and risks of masturbation

There are many indications for masturbation that are of undeniable interest for the health of the individual:

  • Relieve sexual tension, substitute for sexual relations with a partner.
  • Reduce anxiety, nervous tension.
  • Get in touch with your own body.
  • Contribute to having satisfying sex with a partner.
  • Build a vector of independence and autonomy.
  • Provide orgasms different from those obtained during coitus.
  • Become aware of his intimate anatomy, his erogenous zones, his internal sensations, to better achieve orgasm.
  • Treat female orgasmic dysfunctions, the most common complaint in sexology.
  • Treat deviant sexual behavior.
  • Constitute entertainment, a vector of well-being, for those who are alone.
  • Use as a self-analgesic.

Conversely, there are only very few risks associated with masturbation which have been scientifically proven to date:

  • May aggravate pre-existing relationship difficulties by prejudicing the sharing of intimacy.
  • In the case of male masturbations accompanied by pornographic visual aids, the man can be conditioned to fantasize about several women during his masturbation, which can encourage him to really multiply partners or lead to desire and / or sexual disorders. ‘Orgasm.
  • The adolescent’s satisfaction in the imagination of masturbation can sometimes turn into a trap that prevents him from facing reality. Françoise Dolto perfectly knew how to use the words to illustrate the phenomenon: “ In the difficult moment when young people are uncomfortable in the reality of adults for lack of self-confidence, their imaginary life supports them. The boy or the girl is as if determined to excite in them the zone which will give them strength and courage and which is the genital zone which is announced. And this is where masturbation, as a cure for their depression, becomes a trap. A trap because they nervously unload themselves in this way and they are no longer supported to face the difficulty of reality to overcome these deficiencies which are much more imaginary than real. »

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  1. napenda kuxema kwamb punyet ni hatar kwa afya ya binadam na kuxabbixha uume kulegea hatimaye kuleta mahuxian yaxiyofaa vijana achen kupg nyeto

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