Massage for bronchitis

Massage for bronchitis It is used to improve the patient’s well-being along with other methods of treatment. Assign massage after the temperature stabilizes, not rising above 37 ° C.

The effectiveness of the massage is based on improving the blood supply to the muscles of the bronchi. As a result, the bronchial epithelium copes better with the removal of excess sputum, intoxication decreases and expectoration is stimulated. All this contributes to a speedy recovery.

Why do you need a massage for bronchitis?

Massage is prescribed for the treatment of adults and children whose respiratory system is formed before the age of 12, so the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system requires a responsible approach from a very early age. Massage for small children can be done by their parents after consultation with the attending physician. Complicated types of massage – vacuum massage, massage with honey are best left to a professional. In adults, the massage procedure is the same as in children, but to increase the effectiveness of treatment, the effect may be more intense.

Types of massage

  1. Vibrating massage is carried out by tapping with a fist on the back of the patient, avoiding the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe spine. Light and rhythmic tapping exerts a vibrational effect, which contributes to coughing and rapid elimination of sputum, the excess of which in the respiratory tract can cause intoxication of the body and slow down the healing process. Vibration massage can be done to small children, but so that the blows are not too strong, tapping is carried out through the palm of the second hand attached to the child’s back – this helps to make the massage soft and non-traumatic.

  2. Drainage massage also carried out manually in three stages. To begin with, the patient is laid down with his stomach and the muscles are warmed up with rubbing movements. When the skin of the back slightly reddens and warms up, the point effects of the fingertips along the intercostal areas move from the bottom of the back up. Next, the back is slammed from bottom to top with a hand folded “in a boat”. The third stage is squeezing the diaphragm from the sides with both hands. After this, the patient is seated evenly and allowed to cough. Repeat the entire sequence of actions in three or four sets.

  3. Cupping or vacuum massage. It is carried out using special devices – cans, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. After vacuum exposure in the areas of the body on which manipulations were carried out, blood flow increases, tissue metabolism and respiration are stimulated, and lymph outflow is stimulated. Vacuum massage has a complex effect on the immune and respiratory systems, allows you to accelerate the process of restoring respiratory function until complete recovery.

  4. This type of massage should be carried out using special medical cans applied to the back:

    • To carry out the procedure, lay the child on his stomach and rub his back using a nourishing cream or olive oil.

    • Next, you need to take a cotton swab, soak it with medical alcohol and set it on fire. The swab is held over the medical jar until the air in it becomes rarefied.

    • Lower the container on the back of the patient next to the shoulder blade, not reaching the spine. At the same time, children put no more than four cans.

    • Banks are moved along the back according to the scheme, they cannot be torn off the skin, this is done at the end of the procedure.

    • After the cans have been removed, the child is wrapped in a blanket and left in bed for several hours; The procedure is preferably carried out at night before going to bed.

    Massage for bronchitis
  5. Acupressure – impact on reflexogenic points with fingertips. The location of the points responsible for the organs of the respiratory system – the shoulder blades, shins, hands, neck and areas behind the ears. Pressing of different strength and duration according to a certain scheme is used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, it helps to alleviate the course of the disease, strengthen the immune system.

  6. Honey massage useful not only due to the stimulating reflex effect, but also due to the richness of the chemical composition of the product with minerals, vitamins and biologically active substances. Honey, upon contact with skin tissues, is able to remove toxic substances from them, which enhances metabolic processes. The detoxifying effect of honey massage allows you to accelerate the regeneration of respiratory system tissues and strengthen the body’s defenses against disease. Honey for massage should be natural and fresh, it is not recommended to use candied honey. The procedure begins with warming rubbing, after which slightly heated honey is applied to the skin with massaging circular movements, and as it is absorbed, they move on to the technique of light claps, when the palms either stick to the body or peel off from it. The massage is continued for 10-15 minutes until the patient begins to experience discomfort. Then take a warm shower and make a warm compress.

The position of the patient during the massage is lying on the belly on the roller, the head is lowered down to facilitate the passage of sputum. Half an hour before the procedure, to increase its effectiveness, it is advisable to take expectorants.

Contraindications to massage with bronchitis

For any diseases in the acute stage, it is better to refrain from the massage procedure so as not to aggravate the condition. If the body temperature is unstable, if the temperature is above 37 ° C, it is forbidden to massage. Contraindications are also a severe form of hypertension and malignant neoplasms in the organs of the respiratory system.

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