A healthy diet is primarily a varied and balanced diet. Fish and seafood are absolutely irreplaceable elements of it. They contain a huge storehouse of valuable substances that are necessary for our body like air. What is so good about the gifts of the sea? What delicious and useful things can you cook from them? And in general, how to correctly make a daily diet with their participation? We answer these and other questions together with the experts of the Maguro trademark.
From the depths of the sea with love
The main and indisputable advantage of fish and seafood is a full-fledged protein, optimally balanced in the composition of amino acids. Unlike the “meat” protein, it contains much less connective tissue. This gives the fish pulp a more delicate texture, reduces the duration of heat treatment and accelerates the assimilation process. Being products that are not too high in calories, sea gifts are characterized by high nutritional value and a pleasant refined taste.
Fish and seafood are famous for their impressive reserves of vital vitamins of group B, D and E. They also have a high content of micro-and macronutrients, especially fluorine, zinc, iodine and magnesium. But their main asset is polyunsaturated fatty acids, known to us as omega-3 fats. They are involved in metabolic processes, normalize blood pressure and blood clotting, have a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system, are useful for joints and muscles.
Fatty varieties of fish, such as herring, saury or halibut, are recommended to be included in the diet 1-2 times a week. Dietary varieties, such as hake, tilapia or pollock, can be eaten 3-4 times. To get the maximum benefit, take a minimum amount of oil for cooking, ideally vegetable. Choose a gentle method of heat treatment: cook the fish in the oven, slow cooker, steamed or grilled. Seafood is best cooked, baked or stewed in low-fat gravy. But you should refrain from high-calorie sauces. To garnish, serve salads of fresh vegetables, young peas and string beans, baked and stewed vegetables, rice of any varieties.
Hake on a patchwork pillow
Now we turn to the practical part of making a daily diet. And we suggest starting with a baked hake on a vegetable pillow. Hake carcasses “Maguro” as the main ingredient is a win-win choice. Regular consumption of this fish allows you to adjust the metabolism and remove accumulated toxins from the body. And it is also extremely useful for problems with the thyroid gland.
Cut 1 kg of hake carcasses into portions, sprinkle with salt and red pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Brown a mixture of crushed garlic clove, coarsely chopped onion and 2 tomatoes in vegetable oil. Separately fry the zucchini, chopping it with thick circles. We put the vegetables in a baking dish in layers, and on top-pieces of fish. We lubricate it with olive oil, sprinkle with Provencal herbs and evenly lay out 10-12 pitted olives. We send the hake to the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. Before serving, you can sprinkle the fish with vegetables with chopped green onions.
Soup with a rosy mood
Without soups, the family diet will never be complete. If the meat and vegetable variations are no longer pleasing, the menu will be enlivened by fish soups, for example, Maguro rainbow trout soup. Doctors recommend this fish to the elderly as a prevention of heart attack, coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis. Everyone else can eat it to improve digestion and liver function.
Trout “Maguro” is produced in the form of gutted carcasses with a head, so you do not have to spend time and effort on butchering. And the broth from it will turn out fragrant and rich. Chop 340 g of carcasses into several parts, together with whole carrots and onions, pour water in a saucepan, cook the broth. At the same time, we pass the chopped leek stalk, another carrot and celery root in a frying pan.
We take out the finished fish, filter the broth and bring it to a boil again. We put 2 diced potatoes, vegetable frying, 70 g of long-grain rice and 150 g of small broccoli inflorescences in it. We bring the soup to readiness, salt and pepper to taste. Before serving, put pieces of boiled trout in plates and sprinkle with fresh dill.
Cutlets in white
Second courses in the daily diet play an equally important role. White fish makes juicy, hearty and very tasty cutlets. Tilapia fillet “Maguro” is just what we need. It is estimated that 100 g of this fish contains a little more than half of the daily norm of protein. It also contains a lot of sodium, potassium , phosphorus and vitamin B12, which are essential for a healthy heart and blood vessels.
Soak 3 tbsp. l. oat flakes in milk and leave to swell. Fry the chopped onion until golden brown. We pass 800 g of tilapia fillet through a meat grinder, combine it with fried onions, 2 crushed garlic cloves and flakes squeezed from milk. Add the egg, 1 tsp sugar, salt and black pepper to taste, knead the minced meat. We make small cutlets, put them in a baking dish with parchment paper and lubricate each with sour cream. We put the mold in a preheated 180°C oven for half an hour. If you are making fish cutlets for children, replace the oat flakes with boiled cauliflower and cook them in a steamer or in a water bath.
Shrimp in all its glory
Seafood does not appear in our diet as often as we would like, and very in vain. For example, the wild Argentine shrimp “Maguro” is a generous source of proteins, amino acids, antioxidants and minerals. By the way, shrimp lovers have hair, skin and nails in excellent condition. In addition, it is a real dietary product that is absorbed easily and in full.
Shrimp salad will give home gourmets a portion of healthy pleasure. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the juice of half a lemon, 2-3 dried cloves, 2 peas of black pepper and a bay leaf. We lay 500 g of shrimp, cook for 3 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and cover with a lid. After 10 minutes, peel the shrimp and cut each in half. We cut 3 boiled eggs and 100 g of feta cheese into large pieces. Finely chop 3-4 green onion feathers. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with a sauce of 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tbsp sour cream. Garnish the salad with whole boiled shrimps and green onions on top.
The whole essence of squid
Squid is a godsend for the everyday menu, because they are prepared simply and quickly, combined with almost all products, hearty and so useful. Maguro squid carcasses, thanks to their active substances, stimulate digestion and metabolism, remove heavy metal salts from the body and even out the level of “good” cholesterol. This product will be of interest to those who are engaged in sports, because it restores muscle tone and helps to build muscle mass.
Squid are created for stuffing, and the filling can be absolutely any. We make a roast of 2 onions and large carrots. Chop 500 g of mushrooms into a small cube, pour them into a frying pan and fry until the excess liquid evaporates. Add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, salt, your favorite herbs and spices, mix well.
Defrosted and cleaned squid carcasses are filled with stuffing, we fix the edges with wet toothpicks. We lubricate the carcasses with olive oil and send them to the oven at 200°C for 10-12 minutes. If you want the dish to turn out more satisfying, add fried minced chicken, grated cheese, boiled eggs or rice to the filling.
It is very simple to make your daily diet even tastier, more diverse and healthier. Add fish and seafood of the Maguro trademark to it. The company’s line includes products of the highest quality that meet international standards. Thanks to them, many new interesting dishes will appear in your family menu, which will conquer even the most fastidious home gourmets.