Manganese in foods (table)

These tables are adopted by the average daily need for manganese is 2 mg. Column “Percent of daily requirement” shows what percentage of 100 grams of the product satisfy the daily human need for manganese.


Product nameThe content of manganese in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Wheat bran11.5 mg575%
Pine nuts8.8 mg440%
Oat bran5.63 mg282%
Oats (grain)5.25 mg263%
Eyeglasses5.05 mg253%
Oat flakes “Hercules”3.82 mg191%
Wheat groats3.8 mg190%
Pistachios3.8 mg190%
Wheat (grain, soft variety)3.76 mg188%
Wheat (grain, hard grade)3.7 mg185%
Rice (grain)3.63 mg182%
Soybean (grain)2.8 mg140%
Rye (grain)2.77 mg139%
Rye flour wholemeal2.59 mg130%
Flour Wallpaper2.46 mg123%
Chickpeas2.14 mg107%
Buckwheat flour2 mg100%
Sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds)1.95 mg98%
Peanuts1.93 mg97%
Almonds1.92 mg96%
Walnut1.9 mg95%
Buckwheat (grain)1.76 mg88%
Garlic1.67 mg84%
Buckwheat (unground)1.56 mg78%
Barley (grain)1.48 mg74%
Wheat flour 2nd grade1.47 mg74%
Acorns, dried1.36 mg68%
Flour rye1.34 mg67%
Beans (grain)1.34 mg67%
Dill (greens)1.26 mg63%
Rice1.25 mg63%
Rice flour1.2 mg60%
Lentils (grain)1.19 mg60%
Basil (green)1.15 mg58%
Buckwheat (groats)1.12 mg56%
Wheat flour of 1 grade1.12 mg56%
Groats hulled millet (polished)0.93 mg47%
Spinach (greens)0.9 mg45%
Flour rye seeded0.8 mg40%

See full product list

Barley groats0.76 mg38%
Mushrooms boletus0.74 mg37%
Peas (shelled)0.7 mg35%
Beets0.66 mg33%
Pearl barley0.65 mg33%
Macaroni from a flour of 1 grade0.58 mg29%
Pasta from flour V/s0.58 mg29%
The flour0.57 mg29%
Cress (greens)0.55 mg28%
Figs dried0.51 mg26%
Fern0.51 mg26%
Green peas (fresh)0.44 mg22%
Semolina0.44 mg22%
Cilantro (green)0.43 mg22%
Chanterelle mushrooms0.41 mg21%
Corn grits0.4 mg20%
Dandelion leaves (greens)0.34 mg17%
Lettuce (greens)0.3 mg15%
Prunes0.3 mg15%
Banana0.27 mg14%
White mushrooms0.23 mg12%
Shiitake mushrooms0.23 mg12%
Ginger (root)0.23 mg12%
Onion0.23 mg12%
Apricot0.22 mg11%
Eggplant0.21 mg11%
Broccoli0.21 mg11%
Savoy cabbages0.21 mg11%
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)0.2 mg10%

The manganese content in dairy products and egg products:

Product nameThe content of manganese in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Egg yolk0.07 mg4%
Goat milk0.02 mg1%
Milk powder 25%0.05 mg3%
Milk skimmed0.06 mg3%
Cheese “Gollandskiy” 45%0.1 mg5%
Egg powder0.1 mg5%
Chicken egg0.03 mg2%
Quail egg0.03 mg2%

The manganese content in cereals, cereal products and pulses:

Product nameThe content of manganese in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Peas (shelled)0.7 mg35%
Green peas (fresh)0.44 mg22%
Buckwheat (grain)1.76 mg88%
Buckwheat (groats)1.12 mg56%
Buckwheat (unground)1.56 mg78%
Corn grits0.4 mg20%
Semolina0.44 mg22%
Eyeglasses5.05 mg253%
Pearl barley0.65 mg33%
Wheat groats3.8 mg190%
Groats hulled millet (polished)0.93 mg47%
Rice1.25 mg63%
Barley groats0.76 mg38%
Sweet corn0.16 mg8%
Macaroni from a flour of 1 grade0.58 mg29%
Pasta from flour V/s0.58 mg29%
Buckwheat flour2 mg100%
Wheat flour of 1 grade1.12 mg56%
Wheat flour 2nd grade1.47 mg74%
The flour0.57 mg29%
Flour Wallpaper2.46 mg123%
Flour rye1.34 mg67%
Rye flour wholemeal2.59 mg130%
Flour rye seeded0.8 mg40%
Rice flour1.2 mg60%
Chickpeas2.14 mg107%
Oats (grain)5.25 mg263%
Oat bran5.63 mg282%
Wheat bran11.5 mg575%
Wheat (grain, soft variety)3.76 mg188%
Wheat (grain, hard grade)3.7 mg185%
Rice (grain)3.63 mg182%
Rye (grain)2.77 mg139%
Soybean (grain)2.8 mg140%
Beans (grain)1.34 mg67%
Oat flakes “Hercules”3.82 mg191%
Lentils (grain)1.19 mg60%
Barley (grain)1.48 mg74%

The manganese content in nuts and seeds:

Product nameThe content of manganese in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Peanuts1.93 mg97%
Walnut1.9 mg95%
Acorns, dried1.36 mg68%
Pine nuts8.8 mg440%
Almonds1.92 mg96%
Sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds)1.95 mg98%
Pistachios3.8 mg190%

The manganese content in fruits, vegetables, dried fruits:

Product nameThe content of manganese in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Apricot0.22 mg11%
Avocado0.14 mg7%
Basil (green)1.15 mg58%
Eggplant0.21 mg11%
Banana0.27 mg14%
Ginger (root)0.23 mg12%
Figs dried0.51 mg26%
Cabbage0.17 mg9%
Broccoli0.21 mg11%
Cabbage0.19 mg10%
Savoy cabbages0.21 mg11%
Cauliflower0.16 mg8%
Potatoes0.17 mg9%
Cilantro (green)0.43 mg22%
Cress (greens)0.55 mg28%
Dandelion leaves (greens)0.34 mg17%
Green onions (the pen)0.15 mg8%
Onion0.23 mg12%
Cucumber0.18 mg9%
Fern0.51 mg26%
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)0.2 mg10%
Parsley (green)0.16 mg8%
Tomato (tomato)0.14 mg7%
Radishes0.15 mg8%
Lettuce (greens)0.3 mg15%
Beets0.66 mg33%
Celery (root)0.16 mg8%
Pumpkin0.04 mg2%
Dill (greens)1.26 mg63%
Prunes0.3 mg15%
Garlic1.67 mg84%
Spinach (greens)0.9 mg45%

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