Losing weight up to 7 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 250 Kcal.
After reading the name of this diet, you may have thought that you will have to lose weight with the use of magic. But this is not at all the case. Probably, the magic diet is named because it allows you to lose up to 7 kilograms of hated fat in a week. Every day you lose a kilogram of excess weight. Isn’t it witchcraft? Let’s find out how it all works.
Magic diet requirements
Experts refer this diet to the category of low-calorie methods of body transformation. It is quite strict and is considered a type of protein diet. Losing weight is due to cutting back on carbohydrates and fats in the diet. The body has to draw energy from internal resources, so it loses weight.
The magic weight loss menu must be planned carefully, since the dietary requirements oblige the inclusion of protein products in the diet, which are low in fat and calorie content. So, in the list of products that are allowed for use on a magic diet, there were the following:
– the lowest-fat varieties of cheese: tofu, feta cheese, gaudette, grained;
– fruits: green apples, oranges, plums;
– vegetables: spinach, carrots, pumpkin, onions, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, lettuce, zucchini, radishes, cucumbers;
– dried fruits (in priority prunes);
– chicken eggs;
– dairy and fermented milk products: cottage cheese and kefir, the fat content of which does not exceed 1%.
Of the drinks on this diet, in addition to pure non-carbonated water, black coffee (preferably natural brewed) and tea (unpackaged green is recommended) are allowed. Sugar and milk must not be added to any drinks. Drink them as much as you like, but empty.
You cannot eat or drink anything other than the above, while sitting on a magic diet, otherwise the result will be significantly affected. This is a pretty tough technique. Do not continue it beyond the specified period, otherwise you can cause significant harm to the body.
As for the diet, the magical technique implies the presence of three meals, between which you cannot snack. Moreover, if you want to do everything according to the rules, breakfast, which consists only of unsweetened liquid, should be no later than 9 o’clock. Have lunch before 14:00, and you need to have dinner at 18:00 maximum. After dinner, you need to forget about food until the next day and if hunger occurs, suppress it with only unsweetened tea and water. You can, of course, and coffee. But at night it is better not to abuse this drink, otherwise, instead of the disappearance of the desire for a snack, you may encounter insomnia.
Since this technique is practically carbohydrate-free, its developers do not call for sports. Moreover, it is recommended during the period of following the rules of the magic diet to abandon any activities that can take a lot of your strength from you. Low-calorie protein diets will not be easy to replenish. It is quite possible to limit yourself to a simple and short morning exercise or gymnastics. But getting enough sleep (sleeping at least 8 hours) and being in the fresh air for an hour or two a day is more than desirable. This will help the body recover faster and tolerate dietary rules more easily. Also, the developers of the diet advise to pamper yourself with water treatments, massage and fully relax. It is better to follow such a diet during the holidays, when you can afford to lie on the couch more than usual and go for a relaxing procedure (or carry it out at home).
To preserve the result obtained and not harm the body, you need to get out of the magic diet smoothly and carefully. The basic rules for leaving the diet regimen include recommendations for the day. Previously prohibited foods should be added gradually.
On the first day after the seven-day diet, it is better not to introduce anything new from the products at all. Just increase the amount of food allowed on the diet a little. For example, use a few boiled eggs for breakfast, up to 300 g of stewed vegetables for lunch, and a fresh vegetable salad for dinner.
In the diet of the second day, include a little boiled meat or lean fish (as an option – your favorite seafood).
On the third day after the magic diet, add some cereals or durum wheat pasta to the menu. If you really want something sweet, allow yourself a little, but in the morning.
Next, expand your range of fruits and vegetables. Eat whatever you want. Do this on days four through seven.
And only after the expiration of a week, other foods can be added to the diet, not forgetting about proper nutrition and not overeating. Otherwise, with such an effort, the kilograms that have left you may say hello again. And now it will be very good (regardless of whether you were friends with sports during the diet or before it started) to help keep the weight normal with the help of physical activity and the study of problem areas. This will make you not only slim, but also contribute to the acquisition of an attractive, elastic body.
All 7 days you need to adhere to the menu below. It is forbidden to substitute, add new ones, eliminate meals prescribed by the diet rules.
Day 1
Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs; a slice of hard cheese weighing about 20 g.
Dinner: allowed fresh vegetables, decorated in a salad (up to 200 g). It can be seasoned with a small amount of vegetable (preferably olive) oil.
Day 2
Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: 1 boiled chicken egg and 1 medium-sized apple.
Dinner: 1 boiled chicken egg.
Day 3
Breakfast: a cup of green tea.
Lunch: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese (up to 150 g).
Dinner: vegetable salad drizzled with olive oil (150 g).
Day 4
Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: steep chicken egg; 8 prunes or the same number of fresh plums.
Dinner: 1 hard-boiled egg.
Day 5
Breakfast: a cup of green tea.
Lunch: 100 g of cabbage with carrots, stewed in water without adding oil.
Dinner: 1 hard-boiled chicken egg.
Day 6
Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: apples or oranges (about 200 g).
Dinner: a glass of 1% kefir (you can replace it with curdled milk of the same fat content or fat-free).
Day 7
Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: 30 g of hard cheese; fruit (apple or orange) about 100 g.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs.
Contraindications to the magic diet
- It is strictly forbidden to diet in this way for people suffering from digestive disorders, having any gastrointestinal diseases, women during pregnancy and lactation, adolescents, people of advanced age.
- You can’t lose weight like that during the recovery period after surgery, exacerbation of any chronic disease, with existing diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and other dangerous conditions.
- It is not recommended to adhere to the above rules for people with strong mental or physical stress. If you are one of them, it is better to look for a more loyal and gentle way of body shaping.
- In general, only adults in good health can sit on such a diet, and then consultation of a qualified specialist will not be superfluous at all.
The virtues of the magic diet
The main advantage of the magic diet is its effectiveness and speed of results. For those who urgently need to modernize their figure, this diet really becomes a kind of magic wand, fully justifying its loud mystical name.
Disadvantages of the magic diet
- This technique is pretty hungry. So those who cannot boast of tangible willpower and strong nerves, it is better to bypass it.
- Be prepared that during the magic diet, especially in its early days, weakness, even dizziness, may occur.
- Mood breakdowns, apathy, irritability are not uncommon.
- Mental and physical performance can also be significantly reduced.
Re-doing the magic diet
If this diet was easy enough for you, but you need to lose more weight, you can repeat it again. But there is no need to rush. Wait at least a month or two, so as not to greatly scare the body and not harm it. Your organs and systems still need at least some time to recover from such a significant dietary restriction.