Macro- and micronutrients: the basis of a full life.

The nutrition of each person deserves the closest attention. Doctors, nutritionists and “experienced” healthy food lovers do not cease to emphasize the importance of a complete and balanced diet. However, for many, these messages still sound like a stream of words.


Someone has heard about the rules of food compatibility, someone prefers vegetarianism in one form or another, someone tries to adhere to the rules of eating … There is nothing to argue with, all these are steps of the same ladder leading to a healthier and more conscious lifestyle. However, in order for our movement towards the goal to be fast, and the achieved effect to be stable, perhaps, it is necessary to make several stops. Today, our focus is on micro and macro elements in everyday food.


Talking about a healthy, balanced, varied and conscious diet is quite difficult if you do not represent its qualitative characteristics. And, if everything is more or less clear with vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then it is the turn of their counterparts, chemical elements. And that’s why…


“Man consists of…” – this phrase has many extensions, but today we will be interested in, perhaps, the most chemical one. It is no secret that the periodic system discovered by D. Mendeleev is contained in the nature around us. The same can be said about a person. Every organism is a “warehouse” of all possible elements. Part of it is universal for all living on our planet, and the rest may differ somewhat under the influence of individual conditions, for example, place of residence, nutrition, occupation.


The human body is inextricably linked with chemical balance for each of the now known elements of the periodic table, and even a superficial knowledge of these features can greatly increase the level of health and life. So do not neglect the school course in chemistry, except to slightly change the angle of view … Nutrition is difficult to overestimate.


Especially if it’s reasonable. It’s no secret that thanks to a competent approach to the food you eat, you can literally work miracles. For example, to influence the body’s metabolic processes, lose weight, gain muscle mass, fight pressure surges, moods, and women “dull” the effect of hormonal storms. If we take an even higher resolution, then we can give very detailed examples. So, many expectant mothers whisper to each other a breakfast recipe that copes with toxicosis. And people who spend a lot of time at sedentary work can give themselves more energy and vigor with the help of the “right” snack. Well, and further down the list – strong immunity, good mood during the period of general melancholy – all this can be achieved by observing a kind of “elemental” or even “chemical” diet. Interesting? Then let’s look further.


What are the differences.

The question of how microelements actually differ from their counterparts with the prefix “macro” is quite common. It’s time to reveal the intrigue…


So, we figured out the presence inside us of a whole periodic table of chemical elements. Of course, in real life it looks a little different than in textbooks. No colored cells and Latin letters… Part of the elements forms the basis of all tissues and structures. Imagine, 96% of the total matter in the body is divided between oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. Another 3% of the substance is calcium, potassium, sulfur and phosphorus. These elements are the “builders” and the chemical basis of our body.


So for their wide representation and volume, they were given the name macronutrients. Or minerals. By the way, scientists believe that the mineral composition of the intracellular fluid corresponds to the composition of the “praeocean” or “broth”, in which all life was born in the future. Minerals are essential for life, taking part in every process that takes place in the body without exception.


The closest “colleagues” of macroelements are microelements. Named for their volume, which is only ten-thousandths of a percent of all living matter, they perform a colossal function of catalyzing and regulating chemical processes. Without trace elements, neither enzymes, nor vitamins, nor hormones would make sense. And since the influence extends to such a subtle level, then it’s not even necessary to talk about carbohydrates and fats. Reproduction and growth of cells, hematopoiesis, intracellular respiration, the formation of immune factors and much more directly depend on the sufficient intake of trace elements in the body. By the way, they are not synthesized themselves, and can only be introduced with food or water.


Attention to composition.

So, you can regulate the work of your body, and therefore make it healthier, more stable and adaptable, with the help of an established supply of chemical elements. And we are not talking about round “vitamins”. Let’s talk about a variety of tasty and healthy products that contain our activity, peace and cheerfulness.


Phosphorus – participates in all metabolic processes without exception. Its salts make up the skeleton and muscles. And also thanks to the reactions of phosphorus metabolism, the body receives a lot, a lot of vital energy. The lack of phosphorus in the body leads to disorders of the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, rickets and slow metabolism. To avoid this, the use of 800-1200 mg will help. phosphorus per day. And it is found in fresh milk and dairy products, as well as fish.


Sodium is the central element of our body. Thanks to him, all cellular processes occur, since he is the main component of the intercellular fluid. It also participates in the establishment of acid-base balance in tissues and the conduction of nerve impulses. Lack of sodium (in other words, dietary salt) leads to a decrease in the activity of the whole organism and general tone. Against the background of low sodium content, tachycardia and muscle cramps develop.


Potassium is also the most important substance that directly depends on the “friendly company” of sodium and is its antagonist. In other words, when the level of one element falls, the level of another increases. Potassium is contained both in the intercellular fluid and in its membranes, making the cell permeable to the necessary salts. Participates in the work of the heart, in the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems, and also helps the body to remove toxins and toxins. A lack of potassium leads to muscle cramps, heart problems, allergies, and lethargy. This substance is rich in citrus fruits, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, dried fruits, bananas, peas, potatoes, all green vegetables, including leafy and herbs. And also good news for bun lovers – baker’s yeast contains an excellent supply of potassium, so sometimes you can afford this delicacy for the benefit of the body. The daily intake of potassium is about 2000 mg.


Magnesium is a structural component of all tissues. Not a single cell and its metabolism can do without this element. Especially a lot of magnesium in bone tissue. This element is closely related to calcium and phosphorus. Magnesium deficiency is fraught with heart rhythm disturbances, itching, muscular dystrophy, convulsions, nervous tension, apathy and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The easiest way to “extract” magnesium from table salt, fresh tea, legumes, nuts, wholemeal flour products and green vegetables. The norm of magnesium is 310 – 390 mg. per day.


Calcium is truly a magical element. It is necessary for good growth and development of bones, teeth, blood clotting and nervous regulation. Lack of calcium leads to bone diseases, convulsions, memory impairment, and acute – to confusion, irritability, colic, deterioration of hair, nails and skin. The daily requirement for this element is 1000 mg. And abundant dairy and sour-milk products will help keep calcium in the body under control.


Iron – this element is directly related to blood. 57% of iron is in hemoglobin, and the rest is scattered between tissues, enzymes, liver and spleen. An adult should consume 20 mg of iron per day, and a woman cannot neglect this element at all, since twice as many men “lose” it every month due to cyclic fluctuations. By the way, a vegetarian diet is not iron deficient, as many people still think about it. And you can enrich your diet for the benefit of health with the help of legumes, asparagus, oatmeal, dried peaches and wholemeal products.


Iodine is a “marine” element, responsible for the excellent functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems, liver, kidneys, and also supports cognitive activity. A sufficient balance of iodine, and this is 100 – 150 mg. per day for adults, promises excellent well-being, vigorous energy and a shrewd mind. Well, the lack of this substance leads to a weakening of tone, irritability, poor memory, thyroid diseases, infertility, changes in the skin, hair, and many other unpleasant consequences. All seafood is rich in iodine, especially bladder and brown algae, onions, as well as vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil.


Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth, only surpassed by oxygen. In the body, it is present in all organs and systems and therefore participates in all vital processes. However, one can single out the importance of silicon for the elasticity of the skin, the walls of blood vessels and tendons. The deficiency of this substance is extremely rare, and silicon can be obtained literally from all products, where either growing, extracted from the sea or made from animal milk.


Manganese is a serious element. Not a single system functions without his knowledge. And tubular bones, liver and pancreas are especially dependent on manganese. In nervous activity, this element maintains optimal tone and reinforces important reflexes for life. But the lack of manganese affects the disease of organs, and in violation of nervous activity, and in impotence and general fatigue. The easiest way to “get” the necessary element is from freshly brewed tea, vegetable and fruit juices, whole grains, nuts, peas, beets and green leafy vegetables. The daily rate is 2 – 5 mg.


Copper is not only a very beautiful metal, but also the most important chemical element in our body. Taking part in hematopoiesis, it is not subject to any other replacement. Also, without a sufficient content of copper, the processes of growth and reproduction are impossible. Even skin pigmentation, thick hair, strong muscles – all this is directly related to the “movement” of copper, which means that it cannot be neglected. In addition, the lack of a “red” element leads to growth retardation, anemia, dermatoses, focal alopecia, excessive thinness, atrophy of the heart muscle. You can saturate the body with a valuable element by actively consuming legumes, wholemeal products, cocoa and seafood.


Molybdenum is an element with a beautiful name involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. “Working” as an iron utilizer, it prevents anemia. It is very difficult to “overeat” this substance, the exact norm has not yet been found, but presumably it is up to 250 mcg. per day. Dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and beans are natural “repositories” of molybdenum.


Selenium, although a rare substance in nature, is actively involved in antioxidant processes, which means it slows down the action of the biological clock and fights aging. It maintains the elasticity of all tissues, defeats fungal diseases and preserves the youthful enthusiasm of the whole body. Fresh tomatoes, onions, cabbage, broccoli, bran, wheat germ and seafood will help stock up on selenium for a long time.


Chromium is a constant component of all tissues and organs of the human body. Bones, hair and nails contain the maximum concentration of this substance, which means that the lack of chromium affects primarily these parts of the body. Participating in hematopoiesis and carbohydrate metabolism, chromium affects the overall energy tone. The shift in the balance of the substance is manifested in acute eczema, impaired insulin metabolism, depressed mood and other symptoms. But in order to avoid this, it is necessary to receive about 50 – 200 mcg per day. chromium found in wheat germ, brewer’s yeast and corn oil.


Zinc is the final element, if considered in alphabetical order, without which it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the human body. It increases the activity of enzymes and pituitary hormones. In turn, this affects the normal course of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, the formation of redox reactions. Zinc – affects the functioning of the nervous system and normalizes energy metabolism. And its lack leads to rapid fatigue, slowing down of mental activity, metabolic disorders, problems with internal organs and bones. Fortunately, nature took care of us, endowing yeast, various bran, cereals, legumes, cocoa, vegetables, milk, seafood and mushrooms with zinc – the leaders of zinc reserves. It is enough to use 12-16 mg. of this substance to make your life healthy and vibrant.


So we’ve gone through all the basic chemicals. They are involved in every process of our body, helping to accumulate the beneficial properties of the environment and successfully resist harmful effects. Found mostly in plant foods, these elements are available to us daily. And only careful attention to products in the form of preparing delicious, varied dishes will help us maintain youth, vibrant energy and health for many years to come. The main thing is not to be lazy.


Good health and bon appetit!

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