
General description of the disease

This is a disease of an oncological nature that affects the lymphatic tissue and internal organs.[3].

The human lymphatic system is formed from a network of vessels that permeate all internal organs and lymph flows through this network. The lymphatic system performs the following functions:

  • transport – transports nutrients from the intestines to the organs, and also carries out tissue drainage;
  • immune – lymph nodes synthesize lymphocytes, which actively fight bacteria and viruses;
  • barrier – pathogenic particles in the form of dead cells and bacteria are retained in the lymph nodes;
  • hematopoietic – lymphocytes are synthesized in it.

In lymphoma, lymphatic cells begin to divide pathologically actively and form tumors.

This type of cancer in world practice accounts for about 5% of cases. In the last decades, the number of diagnosed cases of this pathology has been steadily growing.

Lymphoma can manifest as lymphogranulomatosis, Hodgkin’s disease or non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Causes of Lymphoma

So far, no specific factor has been identified that provokes the development of lymphoma. However, there are certain conditions that have a beneficial effect on the development of this pathology, these include:

  1. 1 Bacterial infections… Lymphoma is often accompanied by bacteria. For example, with gastric lymphoma, the patient is often diagnosed and Helicobacter pylori, this is the only microorganism that does not die in the hydrochloric acid of the stomach;
  2. 2 Use of immunosuppressants… Such drugs are recommended for patients with autoimmune pathologies in order to slow down the functioning of the immune system;
  3. 3 Viral diseases can provoke lymphoma. For instance, Epstein-Barr virus in addition to lymphoma, it can cause multiple sclerosis and hepatitis;
  4. 4 Age and gender… The age category of people from 55 to 60 years old or up to 35 years old is most susceptible to this pathology. And much more often men suffer from lymphoma;
  5. 5 Chemical factor suggests the negative impact of chemicals on the human body at work or at home. Workers who deal with pesticides, varnishes, paints, solvents and other similar carcinogens are at risk.

Lymphoma can also be triggered by an increased blood level of the herpes simplex virus type 8 and cytomegalovirus. In addition, hereditary predisposition, cell mutations and an increased content of leukocytes in the blood are also important.

Lymphoma symptoms

Lymphoma can manifest itself as individual symptoms and signs characteristic of other pathologies. Therefore, individuals at risk need to know the distinctive signs of lymphoma:

  • enlarged lymph nodes – this symptom occurs at the earliest stages of the disease as a result of pathological cell division. In 90% of patients with lymphoma, lymph nodes are enlarged. First of all, the lymph nodes in the occiput and neck area increase. Quite often, the lymph nodes in the groin, in the region of the collarbones and armpits swell. The lymph nodes increase so much that it is clearly visible visually, if they are nearby, then they can join and form large tumors. With moderate palpation of tumors, the patient does not experience painful sensations, however, sometimes the lymph nodes can become painful after drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • temperature increase accompanies all forms of lymphoma. Low-grade fever can persist for several months. If the disease progresses and internal organs are affected, then the temperature can rise to 39 degrees;
  • night sweats typical for patients with Hodgkin’s syndrome, while sweat has a smell and color;
  • pain syndrome with lymphoma, it usually presents with headaches if the lymphoma has affected the brain. In case of damage to the abdominal or chest organs, the pain is respectively localized in the abdomen and chest;
  • itchy skin is considered a characteristic feature of lymphoma. It can be local or throughout the body, often the patient is worried about itching in the lower half of the body, at night the itching becomes unbearable;
  • feeling weak characteristic of the initial stage of the disease and appears unreasonably. Apathy and increased drowsiness may also occur.

Specific symptoms of pathology include edema that appears due to impaired blood circulation. With lymphoma in the chest area, the patient is worried about a dry, exhausting cough. Diarrhea, constipation, and nausea are due to lymphoma in the abdominal region.

Complications of lymphoma

An enlarged lymph node can provoke obstruction of the airways, gastrointestinal tract, esophagus. The intensity of the compression depends on the size of the tumor. As a result, bleeding, perforation can begin, and obstruction of the biliary tract can provoke jaundice.

CNS damage can begin as a result of compression of the brain. In this case, the development of meningitis, encephalopathy, polymyositis and neuropathy is possible. When the lungs are damaged, pneumonia develops. If lymphoma has affected the skin, then in addition to itching, urticaria, dermatomyositis, and erythema may occur.

Changes in the blood can result in anemia, in rare cases, thrombocytosis. The most common metabolic pathologies in lymphoma include hypercalcemia and hyperuricemia.

Lymphoma prevention

The reasons for the development of lymphoma have not yet been identified. Therefore, for preventive purposes, you should strengthen the immune system and undergo medical examinations at least once a year. In order to minimize the risk of developing tumors in the lymph nodes, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. 1 minimize contact with toxic substances;
  2. 2 use barrier contraceptives during intercourse with a casual partner;
  3. 3 to carry out vitamin therapy at least 2 times a year;
  4. 4 do not forget about regular moderate physical activity;
  5. 5 do not use other people’s towels, razors and toothbrushes.

Lymphoma treatment in mainstream medicine

Lymphoma therapy is carried out after diagnosis and clarification of the diagnosis and depends on the severity of the pathology. First of all, it is necessary to cure viral diseases if they became the root cause of the development of the disease.

The main and most effective treatment is radiation therapy, chemotherapy, in some cases bone marrow transplant… Surgical intervention is rarely used, only in cases where a large tumor interferes with the work of internal organs.

Correctly prescribed chemicals have an anti-relapse effect. Chemotherapy drugs are drunk for a long time, from 3 to 5 months. For the treatment of aggressive forms of lymphoma, high-dose chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation are used.

Healthy foods for lymphoma

The intensive use of chemicals in the treatment of lymphoma has a toxic effect on the patient’s body. Therefore, the patient’s nutrition should be as balanced as possible, aimed at increasing immunity and restoring the body. Therefore, the patient’s diet should consist of the following foods:

  • all types of cereals;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • seafood;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • cranberry juice diluted with water;
  • dry red wine in small quantities;
  • steamed lean poultry meat;
  • green vegetables;
  • green tea;
  • orange-red fruits and vegetables.

Traditional medicine for lymphoma

  1. 1 drink chamomile tea as often as possible;
  2. 2 1 tbsp dilute celandine juice in 100 g of any dairy product and use before bedtime[1];
  3. 3 6-7 freshly cut sarcosoma mushrooms that grow on mosses, rinse, treat with alcohol, draw out mucus with a syringe, take 1/3 tsp daily;
  4. 4 prepare celandine herb during the flowering period, rinse, chop and fold tightly into a container. After 4-5 days, squeeze out the juice, add 0,5 l of vodka, take twice a day for 1. tsp;
  5. 5 prepare an alcoholic tincture from the green peel of unripe walnuts, take it 1 time per day, 1 tbsp.[2];
  6. 6 3 tbsp birch buds for 20 min. boil in a glass of water, take a large spoonful before meals;
  7. 7 take tea from birch mushroom.

Dangerous and harmful foods for lymphoma

Aggressive chemotherapy not only stops the growth of cancerous structures, but also inhibits healthy cells. Proper nutrition significantly alleviates the side effects of therapy. In order to help the body cope with the disease, harmful and heavy foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • limit sugar consumption, it can be replaced with honey;
  • shop sausages and smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products;
  • hot sauces and spices;
  • alcohol;
  • blue cheeses;
  • fast food;
  • purchased confectionery;
  • red meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • canned foods.
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