Lymph – the river of life

Lymph is a clear liquid, slightly denser than water. It circulates through the lymphatic system, which includes lymph nodes, vessels, capillaries, trunks and ducts. Lymph nodes are located throughout the body. They can be easily felt when they increase in size. And this is a signal of the presence of infection.

In general, the role of lymph is to return proteins, water and other substances from the tissues of our body to the blood, to remove and neutralize the most dangerous substances for the body (toxins, viruses, microbes get into the lymph). The main channels for lymph purification are saliva and sweat. This is how harmful substances are removed. The composition of the lymph is constantly changing depending on the substances that are transported through the lymphatic system at the current moment.

The main functions of lymph:

Carries nutrients from the digestive system into the blood

Provides the formation of immunity

Participates in metabolism

Supports water balance in the body

The lymphatic system is not closed, unlike the circulatory system. Lymph is moved by the contraction of nearby muscles. Accordingly, when a person is at rest, the lymph moves very slowly (only due to the action of the chest muscles involved in the breathing process). In addition, the speed of lymph movement decreases with age due to a decrease in vascular tone and physical activity of a person. Along with age-related changes and a sedentary lifestyle, the work of the lymphatic system is worsened by the unfavorable environmental situation in the region of residence, unhealthy diet and smoking. These factors lead to the gradual accumulation of waste products of vital activity and organs and, as a result, to intoxication of the body. Also, symptoms of insufficiently effective functioning of the lymphatic system can be edema (mainly the legs and face), frequent diseases that occur with the slightest infections.

In addition to direct physical movement, there is another way to speed up the lymph – lymphatic drainage massage. Lymphatic drainage massage is performed by a specially trained master. With light touches (stroking and patting), he works out the whole body in the direction of the lymph flow in the body. In order to prevent and improve lymphatic drainage massage will be useful for every person. It also works well with weight management and detox programs to enhance the effects of the latter. It is usually recommended to take a course of 10-12 sessions, after which people note the removal of chronic fatigue, a surge of strength and energy, improved immunity and general well-being.

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