Lure color for pike. What are the favorite colors of a toothy predator?

Disputes over the choice of color scheme for lures for pike or any other fish among anglers will never subside. Some believe that color is not important at all, while others, on the contrary, approach the purchase of new copies with professional fanaticism. Also, if you ask two different people what color bait a pike prefers, they will most likely get completely different answers. Why is this happening and what is the reason for such serious disagreements? Let’s try to clear something up.

Can pike see colors?

It is worth saying that there is no exact answer to the question of what colors she distinguishes and how she sees the world in general. However, the fact that the pike is not only able to distinguish one color from another, but also give preference to some, is confirmed not only by the practical experience of many anglers, but also by some scientific studies.

The ability of most fish species to distinguish colors was proven by ichthyologists a long time ago. Studies show that much in this matter depends on the conditions of the environment. Naturally, fish that live at great depths or lead a nocturnal lifestyle distinguish colors much worse than their shallow and diurnal counterparts or do not distinguish at all due to a lack of light in the environment. For the same reason, the sensitivity of fish to light and color can vary greatly depending on the color of the water in the reservoir or the degree of its cloudiness.

Pike prefers to be diurnal and settle in shallow waters, where there is enough light and, as a rule, not too muddy water. Therefore, purely logically, we can conclude that she distinguishes colors and, moreover, well enough that the color of the bait used affects your catch.

What colors do pike like?

There are no specific colors and what are the most catchy baits that will bring you a pike “on a silver platter” with absolute certainty. Everything again depends on the conditions of fishing, namely on the quality and quantity of light and the optical properties of water. There are only a few general recommendations, including:

  • real fish colors: shiny bronze, silver, perch colors;
  • bright, provocative colors: acidic yellow, red, green, etc.;
  • classic black and red.

Practice shows that the color of the bait must be chosen for specific conditions: season, time of day, water color, temperature and weather conditions.

Lure color for pike in autumn

Cloudy days prevail in the autumn period, and the water tends to darken. In such conditions, it is worth choosing a brighter bait. If you are lucky enough to be with a fishing rod on the river bank on a bright sunny day, use models with a dull color. In strong light, the shiny and acid colors only repel pike.

Winter time

In winter, when water bodies are covered with ice, the light practically does not penetrate the water at all. Therefore, you should bet on baits of dark (black) colors or glowing in the dark. In general, when fishing on ice, you should give preference to baits that work not on color or shape, but on smell.

For muddy waters, use the brightest lure you have in your arsenal. You will not regret.

Lure color depending on the species

As for specific types of baits, everything continues to obey the patterns described above. However, there are some features.


Volumetric baits depicting small fish. When fishing in shallow water, pike are most often interested in the color of a wobbler of various green or greenish shades. These are perhaps the best colors tested in practice by many spinners. At depth, the colors of brown wobblers showed themselves well.

Jig (silicone)

Soft baits with a small lead sinker, often referred to as “silicone” in the fishing community. Jig baits (vibrotail, twister) in the water imitate the movements of a live bait. Therefore, to enhance the annoying effect, it is preferable to choose a shiny silver or golden rubber color (of course, this does not apply to fishing in shallow water).

Foam lures

Same kind of soft lures. There are no color preferences. They take their cheapness and smell, as they are usually wetted with attractants.


Artificial, as a rule, metal lures imitating live fish. The advantage of spinners, spinners and oscillators, in the maximum similarity with the “game”. Depending on the fishing conditions, suitable for pike: silver, tricolor, acid, white and tiger.


Horizontal lure, used mainly for winter fishing. The color should imitate the food supply of pike in a particular reservoir. It can be perch, trout or roach (light silver).


Composite bait made of polyurethane foam. It is a bait of a provocative type. In other words, it should be as bright as possible. Ideal alternation of contrasting colors: orange, bright yellow, blue, red, a combination of white and black.

Many spinningists note that the presence of any red elements on the bait has a positive effect on pike biting. And in the complete absence of a catch, black lures can suddenly come to the rescue. The color “machine oil” can also show a good result.

Lure color for pike. What are the favorite colors of a toothy predator?

We offer to purchase sets of author’s handmade mandulas in our online store. A wide range of shapes and colors allows you to choose the right bait for any predatory fish and season. 



For successful catching of any fish (especially pike), it is important not only to choose the right shape, color and specifics of the bait, but also to properly feed it to the predator. Do not be afraid to experiment in the absence of bites. Experience and knowledge in such a difficult but exciting business as fishing are much more valuable than your technical equipment.

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