Losing 7 kilos in a week is real: how – we tell

Diet “Favorite” – your chance to significantly reduce weight, because its results reach 7 kilograms in just 7 days! The advantage of the diet is that it permits many foods and is not limited in the amount of food. Every day of the diet is a day of consuming certain ingredients.

The menu for the “Favorite” diet looks like this.

First day – drinking

Only liquid can be consumed on this day. These are water, tea, meat and fish broths. Due to the ban on sugar and salt, juices are also banned.


Second day – vegetable

You can eat vegetables all day, preferably raw. These are cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce and herbs. Salt and dressings are not permitted. Lemon juice can be used to enhance the flavor of the salads.

Third day – drinking

Again, you need to consume a lot of fluids – in this way the body will use internal reserves as a source for energy.

Fourth day – fruity

Any fruit in unlimited quantities is allowed on this day. Even bananas, which are usually banned on diets due to excessive starchiness and high calorie content.

Fifth day – protein

Protein products include lean meat – chicken, turkey fillets, as well as dairy products with low fat content – cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. Don’t forget about eggs, a source of animal protein. Break up your entire meal 4-5 times and remember to drink plenty of water that day.

Sixth day – drinking

Again, the whole day should be spent drinking only unsweetened drinks. Don’t forget about broths – a source of vitamins and minerals.

Seventh day – balanced

This day is a kind of way out of the diet, a return to the usual diet. Eat foods from all previous days, excluding large amounts of fat, salt and sugar. Try to take the menu of this day as a basis for your further daily nutrition.


  1. עד איזה שעה מותר לאכול

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