Liver disease – how to protect yourself? Preventive examinations and vaccinations

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Liver malfunction is a health problem that is difficult to identify. Liver diseases are often asymptomatic for a long time, and symptoms do not appear until the disease develops. That is why the prevention and early diagnosis of liver diseases is important.

  1. The liver is a very important organ. It has a significant impact on the functioning of the entire organism
  2. We can be vaccinated against some liver diseases
  3. Others can be detected by going to the appropriate research
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Liver – keep an eye on its health

The liver is an extremely important organ that has many functions that influence the general state of human health. The liver’s tasks include neutralizing toxins, taking part in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as storing vitamins and iron important for immunity.

Disturbances in the functioning of the liver difficult to detect because they are usually not accompanied by any symptoms or they are not very characteristic – we are unlikely to recognize that fatigue is a symptom of liver problems. More characteristic and disturbing ailments, including jaundice, dark spots on the skin, and abdominal pain on the right side of the ribs, may appear once the disease has progressed.

The first symptoms of liver disease are easy to overlook. That is why regular preventive examinations or quick diagnostics are important – it is worth doing for this purpose liver profile tests. Check what they are all about.

Liver disease – when to diagnose?

When is it worth getting a liver diagnosis? We should definitely consider it with disturbing symptoms of unknown origin – loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain in the liver area, yellowing of the whites of the eyes or bloody bruises on the skin. But there are more indications for testing for liver disorders.

For control purposes, we should conduct a laboratory analysis of the liver condition in chronic diseases (e.g. suspected diabetes, abdominal obesity, cancer, taking long-term medications, alcoholism). The need for liver diagnostics may also be determined by a doctor based on an interview and the results of other tests.

  1. How do you know if your liver is barely healed?

Diagnosis of liver diseases is based primarily on liver tests and tests indicating the likelihood of developing hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Check out examples of blood tests that allow you to assess the condition of the liver:

  1. Hepatic profile – assessment of the functioning of this organ – from 29 PLN
  2. Liver tests – comprehensive liver health check – from 55 PLN
  3. Diagnosis of liver diseases – laboratory tests – from 69 PLN

Protect your liver against hepatitis – get vaccinated!

Viral inflammations are among the most serious liver diseases, which can be acute and chronic. We are talking about viral hepatitis, or viral hepatitis. This disease is caused by different types of viruses, and although we cannot protect ourselves against all of them (hepatitis C), there are vaccines against hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

As for the hepatitis A vaccine, it is recommended in Poland, but not obligatory. Vaccination is advisable in the case of people who are particularly vulnerable to this disease, mainly for professional reasons, traveling to countries at risk of hepatitis A or frequently changing partners. View hepatitis A vaccination offers:

  1. Get vaccinated against hepatitis A (Havrix A) and prevent the disease (from 180 PLN)
  2. Twinrix vaccine against hepatitis A and hepatitis B – for people who have not been vaccinated before (from PLN 190)

Vaccination against hepatitis B is obligatory and is included in the preventive vaccination calendar. Therefore, subsequent doses of the preparation are mainly administered to children, but the vaccine is also recommended for people from high-risk groups (e.g. certain diseases that reduce immunity, age) or those who were not vaccinated in childhood with a full set of vaccinations.

Check in the offers below, what hepatitis B vaccines are available:

  1. Vaccine against hepatitis B – Engerix (from PLN 69)
  2. Vaccine against hepatitis B – Euvax (from PLN 55)
  3. Vaccine against hepatitis B – Hepavax with qualification (from PLN 100)

Ultrasound examination and a sick liver

In the case of symptoms suggesting problems with the digestive system, imaging tests are also performed. Abdominal ultrasound helps to assess the condition of internal organs, including the liver. They can be performed as a prophylaxis (e.g. once every two years), which is worth choosing especially in the case of chronic food ailments. Abdominal ultrasound allows you to locate abnormalities in organs such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and bladder.

Changes in the liver and its vicinity are important information for the diagnostic process. Find out what condition your liver is in and see the offer:

  1. Abdominal ultrasound – assess the condition of your liver and other internal organs (from PLN 100)

Thanks to ultrasound, we can find out whether our ailments are caused by liver dysfunction. The test provides information about the structure of the abdominal organs, their size, inflammation, as well as the occurrence of fatty liver or cirrhosis, cysts, tumors or liver cancer. The basis for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and liver may be a medical palpation and abnormal blood test results.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the diet. Do you have to stick to it 100% to stay healthy and feel good? Do you really have to start every day with breakfast? What is it like with sipping meals and eating fruit? Listen:

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