The inseparable companion of the cold winter months, beriberi never comes empty-handed. He generously distributes all around the decline of strength, apathy, persistent drowsiness, neuroses and a whole bunch of colds. To give an uninvited guest a rebuff, you need to strengthen the body’s strength and take care of immunity in advance. Here you will need a powerful recharge with vitamins. How to make it as effective as possible, knows the expert in the field of healthy nutrition — the brand Moulinex.
Use here and now
Regardless of the season and the weather outside, the basis of a full-fledged healthy diet is fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits with berries. They contain huge reserves of vitamins, fiber, organic acids, micro-and macronutrients, which are so lacking in the body in winter. However, not everyone is ready to humbly eat raw vegetables and “naked” fruits for the benefit of immunity. Moreover, you will not be satisfied with the gifts of nature alone.
Moulinex offers a simple and effective solution to the problem. No desire to eat vegetables and fruits? Then drink them. Natural home-made juices can give the body everything it needs. However, there is one important subtlety here. “Live” juices are valuable only in their fresh form. If you do not drink them in the first half hour after cooking, the useful elements will irrevocably disappear, and the taste of the drink will lose all the richness of shades. That’s why you need to have a modern, powerful blender on hand. It will prepare vitamin juice in a few minutes, and you will immediately be able to get the full benefit.
New Generation Assistant

Make the right diet not only useful, but also interesting will help a unique novelty-a high-speed blender Moulinex Ultrablend. Its main advantage is that it grinds absolutely any ingredients at the cellular level. Thanks to this, a record amount of nutrients is released. As a result, the drink turns out to be incredibly healthy and retains its pure original taste.
The secret lies in the powerful Ultrablend engine and six sharp TRIPLAX PRO knives. They rotate at an incredible speed-45 thousand revolutions per minute, which is twice the speed of the engine of the car “Formula 1”. It is thanks to this technical improvement that the perfect grinding of the ingredients is ensured. The texture of the finished drink is extremely smooth and delicate, like the finest flowing silk.
Of course, such a thorough processing has a positive effect on the taste of the drink. It gets richness, depth and more fully reveals the finest flavors. Enveloping the taste buds with tenderness, the juice literally dissolves in the mouth and gives the most pleasant sensations.
High-end station wagon

Another revolutionary new product is the Moulinex Ultrablend+high — speed blender. To all of the above advantages, you can add an extended set of programs. As in the previous model, it provides four basic programs: the preparation of hot cream soups, smoothies, homemade sorbet, as well as the auto-cleaning function. In addition, it has two additional options-chopping nuts and chopping ice.
Such a rich functionality opens up limitless culinary possibilities. For example, you can easily make real almond milk. For vegetarians and those who adhere to a healthy diet, this is an invaluable find.
The Moulinex Ultrablend+ blender will turn rice or buckwheat into gluten-free flour of the smallest grinding in no time. This means that you will be able to please your loved ones with unusual and extremely useful homemade cakes.
Even the usual dishes will become much tastier. Does the child act up and refuse to eat vegetable soups? Cook them with a Moulinex Ultrablend + blender. It grinds any vegetables so efficiently that there are absolutely no fibers or lumps left in the juice, which children do not like so much. This soup will be eaten by small fastidious people without much begging.
Morning with an invigorating trio
Now we offer you to do wellness and prepare a megavitamin green smoothie. The Moulinex Ultrablend high-speed blender will help us with this.
For the first recipe, take a large green apple, 300 g of celery stalks and a large ripe banana. Cut all the ingredients into slices, put them in the bowl of a blender, pour in 100 ml of natural unsweetened yogurt and whisk until smooth. If the smoothie is too thick, add a little more yogurt.
It is known that apples have a positive effect on digestion. Bananas tone the body and lift the mood. Celery accelerates the metabolism and removes toxins. Many people do not like smoothies with this vegetable, because they remain a lot of hard fibers. The Moulinex blender will not leave even the smallest particles from them. Such an invigorating cocktail charges with energy and positive emotions. So it’s best to make it for breakfast.
Under the caress of emerald velvet
A spinach, broccoli and avocado smoothie is more suitable for dinner. We divide into small inflorescences half of the average head of broccoli. Remove the bone from the avocado fruit, cut the pulp into cubes. A small bunch of fresh spinach is coarsely chopped. Pour all the ingredients into the bowl of a high-speed Moulinex Ultrablend blender and whisk well. If you like thin smoothies, add the right amount of kefir or ryazhenka. To make the valuable elements better absorbed, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
This smoothie contains a lot of fiber, easily digestible vegetable proteins and valuable fatty acids. It nourishes well and for a long time, puts the nervous system in order, promotes a strong healthy sleep. That’s why it will be the perfect end to the day. The Moulinex blender perfectly grinds cabbage inflorescences and thin spinach leaves. Therefore, you will not find any foreign inclusions in the drink. And its taste will be more intense and soft.
Sweetness with almond flavor
And finally-a nice bonus. Delicious almond milk in the performance of the high-speed blender Moulinex Ultrablend+. All we need is a glass of raw almonds and 600 ml of filtered water.
Soak the nuts in plenty of water overnight. In the morning, pour them with boiling water and cover them with a saucer for 15-20 minutes. After that, the thin skin will easily separate from the kernels. Fill the peeled almonds with 200 ml of filtered water in the bowl of a blender and grind until a homogeneous porridge is obtained. Pour in the remaining 400 ml of filtered water and beat the nuts for about 30 seconds. Now it remains to pass the resulting mass through the gauze, folded in several layers. Aromatic natural almond milk is ready.
By the way, the cake left in the cheesecloth will still be useful to us. Moulinex Ultrablend+ ground almonds into the smallest crumb. Dry it thoroughly, and you will have an interesting alternative to ordinary flour. In addition, this delicious delicacy can be used for making sweets, cakes, cookies, cream, as well as delicious sauces and pates.
If you pay close attention to the health of your loved ones, the Moulinex high-speed blender will be an invaluable purchase for you. This irreplaceable assistant of an extra class will help to diversify the right diet, add to it juicy variegated colors and amazing taste combinations. And most importantly, the whole family will learn how to get real pleasure from a healthy diet.