Rich, refined, original. A special place in it is given to dairy products, thanks to which Lithuania is called the dairy region of Europe, as well as potatoes. It’s hard to believe, but the vegetable we are used to here is the basis for the preparation of 1001 delicious dishes. Moreover, some of them are still made according to old recipes and are called the highlight of local cuisine, such as zeppelins. By the way, it is their unique taste that determines the level of the cook’s skill for many years in Latvia.
The first mention of Lithuania itself dates back to 1009. The process of the formation of this country began with the unification of several Baltic peoples for the sake of confronting the German crusaders. Later, namely in the 1990th century, there was an entry into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, then the conquest of the Lithuanian lands by the Russian Empire (it took place in the XNUMXth century) and, finally, the long-awaited independence in XNUMX. It would seem that such a long development path has certainly left its mark on the local cuisine, making it as similar as possible to the kitchens of its neighbors. But in fact, he only diversified it, adding a little sophistication and unique taste, thanks to which Lithuanian cuisine was known all over the world.
Today, scientists distinguish 2 areas in local cooking, which are named accordingly:
- 1 aristocratic, or Old Lithuanian cuisine. It existed in the XIV-XVIII centuries and, in fact, was a reflection of the tastes of the gentry. It should be noted that during this period Lithuania literally set the gastronomic fashion of Europe. She also became the progenitor of serving snacks. She also combined exclusively original dishes with a complicated recipe, which were prepared only from local high-quality raw materials, taking into account the best traditions of Russian, Polish, German and Tatar cuisines. Among them: bull stuffed with game, Lithuanian sorcerer (dumplings), goose sheets. It is noteworthy that the latter have become the property of the world culinary tradition;
- 2 peasant, or Novolitovskaya cuisine. The process of its formation began at the end of the XNUMXth century, when, after the collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the gentry also disappeared. The old culinary principles were replaced by new ones, based on peasant ambushes of cooking. The main raw materials for this were vegetables, meat, milk, fish, rye bread. Accordingly, the old delights and delicacies were replaced by new ones – simple and hearty dishes with a small amount of ingredients that were always at hand.
Typical features of the local cuisine are:
- the most simple recipes;
- a huge number of ingredients with a high starch content (potatoes and cereals, from which all kinds of dishes are prepared);
- genuine love for milk, sour cream, cheese. It is interesting that the latter learned to cook here in the Middle Ages. At the same time, they were actively sold to other countries, believing that real cheese conveys the taste of their country;
- a minimum of spices (the most popular among the locals are cumin and marjoram);
- widespread use of pork, game.
The main ways of cooking Lithuanian dishes:
Modern Lithuanian cuisine is an abundance of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets), mushrooms, fruits and berries, which this area is rich in due to its cool and humid climate. This cuisine has a lot in common with the cuisines of the Eastern and Scandinavian countries, however, it has retained its originality for many centuries. You can personally verify this by familiarizing yourself with traditional Lithuanian dishes. These included:
Zeppelins. Potato dumplings with all kinds of fillings. Today, most often they put cottage cheese, meat, mushrooms. They got their name from the original shape, reminiscent of German airships (Zeppelin). Traditionally, fried zeppelins are also boiled.
Vedarai. Homemade fried sausage made from potatoes and lard, which is stuffed with pork intestines.
Zemaichiu (pancakes). Their zest is in the ingredients. They are prepared from mashed potatoes with minced meat.
Kibinai. Unleavened dough pies with meat, mushrooms, vegetables, cottage cheese, etc. The dish was borrowed from the Karaites.
Skilandis. Smoked sausage, during the preparation of which the pork stomach is filled with minced pork.
Kugelis. Potato casserole with lard, cottage cheese or chicken, served with sour cream and cracklings sauce.
Pig ears. A local delicacy that is consumed with vegetables or beer. Sometimes served with garlic sauce. In this case, the ears themselves can be boiled, smoked or fried.
Smoked eel.
Shalltibarshai. Beetroot soup with kefir served with boiled potatoes and dill.
Mushroom soup in a plate of bread.
Morku apkess. Boiled carrot casserole with yolks, cinnamon and sugar.
Shakotis. Incredibly delicious cake and, in combination, a real curiosity for tourists. It is prepared from sugar, flour and eggs, baked over an open fire using a skewer, due to which its appearance resembles a Christmas tree or a hedgehog. Such a delicacy often decorates a wedding table or is sent home with tourists as a souvenir. The fact is that thanks to natural ingredients, shakotis can be stored for up to six months.
Beer “Shvyturis”. Its quality and taste are not inferior to Czech or German. It has been brewed since 1784 in Klaipeda. Along with it, the national drinks include honey infusion with Suctinis berries, rye kvass and local herbal teas.
Useful properties of Lithuanian cuisine
The lack of fast food and the richness of local raw materials, from which delicious Lithuanian dishes are prepared, largely determine the useful properties of Lithuanian cuisine. Moreover, it itself has evolved over several centuries, absorbing all the best that was in the kitchens of neighbors. The best confirmation of this is the average life expectancy of Lithuanians, which is now 74,6 years.