Mexican food

This is one of the few cuisines that have preserved the traditions of food preparation, which have their origins in the days of the Mayans and Aztecs. The process of its formation was quite long. It actually arose from “pasture” food – snakes, lizards, insects and plants, in particular cacti. As the tribe moved in search of better lands, other products were added to them that were not of particular value. However, later, when it came to Lake Texcoco, the situation changed radically. The ancient Aztecs began to grow corn, legumes, bell peppers, and other vegetables and fruits. Many of them took up hunting and fishing. This was a turning point in the development of Mexican cuisine.

At the same time, taverns appeared in the city, in which all kinds of dishes were prepared from the available products. Moreover, the level of development of the culinary art was simply amazing even then. And Mexican cuisine continued to evolve, borrowing the traditions of cooking from the Spanish and French. In addition, already at that time its main feature emerged. Namely, the amazing talent of local chefs to combine traditional products with exotic ones imported from other countries. By the way, it can still be traced in it.

Contemporary Mexican cuisine is distinctive and original. It differs from others in its unique taste, which, in turn, is achieved through the competent use of spices and herbs. Mexican food is quite spicy. In it, not only seasonings are widely used, but also a variety of sauces that add spice and special taste to dishes. The most common spices here are cilantro, cumin, verbena, tea, garlic, chili, etc. And, accordingly, sauces from them.


Mexican cuisine is based on meat. Pork, beef or chicken. It is prepared here in all sorts of ways, combining or supplementing them within the same recipe. It is then served along with a variety of side dishes, including potatoes, rice, cacti, corn, beans, fried bananas or vegetables.

Moreover, fish and seafood are very popular here. At the same time, there are many recipes for their preparation. And also corn. It is eaten raw, cakes are baked from it, or subjected to all types of heat treatment.

Traditional drinks of Mexican cuisine are tequila, fresh juices and decoctions of various colors.

The main ways to cook Mexican food:

Often, it is Mexican cuisine that is associated with an explosion and flame for its sharpness. Meanwhile, travelers and tourists also recognize it by the presence of special dishes that form its basis.

The main products of Mexican cuisine:

Salsa – a sauce based on tomatoes, chili peppers, garlic, onions and coriander leaves

Guacamole – avocado and tomato sauce with lime juice and salt

Fajita – grilled meat cut into strips

Burrito – soft tortilla wrapped in minced meat, rice, vegetables and sauces

Tacos – curved corn or wheat tortilla stuffed with meat and vegetables with the addition of sauces, chili and guacamole

Nachos – tortilla chips, which are usually served with cheese and sauces

Quesadilla – folded tortilla with cheese

Chimichanga – the closest “relative” of burritos, which are deep-fried or fried in a pan

Enchilada – tortilla with filling, baked in the oven

Huevos – Mexican scrambled eggs

Stuffed pepper

Mexican corn




The health benefits of Mexican cuisine

True Mexican cuisine is called one of the healthiest and most dietary. This is explained by the fact that it consists of a variety of dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals and spices, which perfectly saturate the body and give not only a long-lasting feeling of satiety, but also maximum energy.

Mexican cuisine is especially useful for women. Recent studies by American scientists from Utah have shown that regular consumption of legumes and tomatoes, which are widespread here, can prevent the development of type XNUMX diabetes and breast cancer.

But the most important thing is the presence of a huge amount of spices in Mexican dishes. Whole treatises have been written about their useful properties. They saturate the body with a number of vitamins and microelements, have a beneficial effect on the work of all organs and systems, improve digestion, increase immunity, protect against viruses and bacteria, help to lose weight and simply give a great mood.

Modern Mexico is called a land of contrasts. It surprisingly combines picturesque nature with mountains, valleys and rivers and the largest metropolitan areas. The standard of living of different people here is also very different. Meanwhile, the average life expectancy in Mexico ranges from 74-76 years. Tropical and subtropical climate prevails on the territory of this country, and the average annual temperature is 24 C. That is why agriculture here is the most important component of the economy. And that is why Mexican cuisine is based only on the freshest and highest quality food.

The most common diseases here for many years have been infectious diseases arising from improper storage of food or the use of poor-quality food and diseases carried by insects.

Based on materials Super Cool Pics

See also the cuisine of other countries:

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