Liquid diet – when is it worth using? What does a liquid diet look like before a colonoscopy?

The liquid diet, as it is not difficult to guess, consists in taking meals in a liquefied form. The liquid diet is in some respects preferable to the classic diet because it allows you to digest individual nutrients much faster. They are also easier to digest. Thanks to the liquid diet, the intestines are not irritated, so it is highly recommended for people who suffer from diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract. Liquid diet modifications are used in lying, unconscious patients. What foods to eat while on a liquid diet?

Liquid diet – when should it be used?

As when using liquid diet there is a strong fragmentation of nutrients, this kind diet it is especially useful for people who want to prepare properly for the examination, e.g. colonoscopy or rectoscopy. These tests require prior intestinal cleansing, therefore liquid diet it will be an ideal solution, as it will support the process of removing food deposits. In that case you should liquid diet apply already two days before the planned examination. Liquid diet it is also useful for patients who are going to undergo bowel surgery. Then it is enough to follow its rules for about twelve hours. I point outand for use liquid diet there are also postoperative conditions, severe vomiting or diarrhea.

Fortified liquid diet – who is it for?

Liquid diet fortified is that it contains additional nutrients that are designed to nourish a person’s body. Therefore, it is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal reflux, diseases of the esophagus, intestines, mouth), as well as when the patient is unable to bite and swallow nutrients on his own. This may be due to the disease, but also because the patient is unconscious.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Liquid diet – what to eat during its duration?

Purpose liquid diet it is important that the foods used are rich in nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, are easily digestible and, very importantly, do not contain fiber or contain it in small amounts. Foods should also be selected in such a way that they do not cause diarrhea or lead to the accumulation of gases in the intestines (flatulence). The caloric demand should be determined by a doctor who should also help in composing the menu.

In view of the above recommendations, the person who should or wants to be subjected liquid dietshould, first of all, consume a lot of water – the best choice is mineral water rich in electrolytes. While in use liquid diet It is also permissible to drink herbal teas, e.g. marjoram, mint or herbal mixtures that aid digestion. However, you should remember about the correct method of herbal infusion – pour boiling water no more than one teaspoon and leave it covered for about 15 minutes. When applying liquid diet it is also especially recommended to eat not too thick soups, preferably based on broth. To liquid diet brought the expected results, do not add too much vegetables to your soups. They should also not be whitened with cream and under no circumstances should they be seasoned with flour. A good method is also making a simple rice gruel. If it is too full-bodied, it can be blended for a more fluid consistency.

Meal eaten during liquid diet should not exceed 50-60 ml in volume. Alone diet we can use a maximum of two days, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Liquid diet – what to eat before colonoscopy and rectoscopy?

Both colonoscopy and rectoscopy are tests performed within the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is associated with the need to cleanse the intestinal lumen first. Before the examination, the doctor gives guidelines that should be followed in order to properly get rid of excess fecal masses and enable the procedure to be performed. It is important to switch to the two or even three days before the planned examination liquid diet. In practice, this means that you should give up eating solid food. They should be replaced with large amounts of water, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices or properly ground soups (e.g. using a blender). Dairy products, black tea and coffee should also be excluded. Before rectoscopy, it is also acceptable to eat pudding or gruel (they must not be eaten before a colonoscopy!).

The best choice is to eat steamed or boiled food. You can’t fry. It is important that the prepared foods are fresh – they cannot be frozen. Too thick dishes can be diluted with water.

Liquid diet – what should you absolutely avoid?

When applying liquid diet do not eat: bread, groats, pasta, meat, fish, cheese, dairy products, blue cheese, hot spices, margarine and lard, vinegar, mustard, fruit, spicy vegetables (e.g. onion or chives), highly processed products, sweets . You should also give up stimulants.

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