Life hack from a blogger: how to make your look more expressive
Hanna Krivulya showed makeup tricks with which the eyes will visually appear larger.
Of course, many wanted a look no worse than that of the drawn princesses or the deer Bambi. But, alas, not everyone gets big and expressive eyes. Fortunately, everyone can learn to emphasize them in such a way that any princess would envy.
Especially for, we asked blogger Hanna Krivulya to come up with three makeup for small eyes. And here’s what happened.
Daily option
What you need: light eyeliner, highlighter, bronzer, mascara, fluffy brush.
We paint over the kajal of the lower eyelid with a light pencil. This is necessary in order to slightly open the eye and visually make it larger. You can choose the shade to your taste – it can be either a cream color, close to the skin tone, or a completely white version.
Apply a highlighter to the inner corner of the eye with a fluffy brush to open up the look even more.
Use a bronzer to add depth to the look. To do this, apply the product with the same brush to the middle of the upper eyelid and blend it to the outer corner. Additionally, from the outside, paint over the movable part of the upper eyelid and create a haze under the lower one.
And you can complete the makeup with mascara. By the way, if you apply mascara in two layers, your eyes will be more open.
Arrows for small eyes
What you need: highlighter, bronzer, eyeliner, mascara, fluffy brush.
We paint over the inner corner of the eye with a highlighter. We do this with a fluffy brush.
Use a bronzer to create a slight haze on the outside of the eye. Apply the product with the same brush on the movable part of the upper eyelid and on the lower one.
Draw arrows – draw the tail of the arrow from the outer edge of the eye to the bottom point of the eyebrow. The main thing in this makeup is not to overdo it with thickness. Thin and neat lines visually increase the length of the eye.
We complete the makeup with mascara.
Light haze around the eyes
What you need: bronzer, pencil, fluffy and flat brushes, mascara.
Apply bronzer to the lower eyelid.
With a pencil, paint over the inter-eyelash contour of the upper eyelid and the kajal of the lower one.
With a flat brush, shade the pencil from the inner corner to the outer corner.
With a fluffy brush, we shade the pencil on the lower eyelid using printing movements.
We complete the makeup with mascara.
And one more life hack. Anyone who wants to enlarge their eyes with makeup should not forget about eyebrows. A thin eyebrow enlarges the area of the upper eyelid and has the opposite effect: the eye seems to be lost. A wide brow also creates the wrong accents. So be careful when choosing a shape.