Lentil feeder bait

It is not always possible to track down a cunning bream in a pond: if he does not mind showing his back, then its location is not difficult to determine. If this representative of cyprinids plunges into the water column, it will be difficult for both an experienced angler and a beginner to guess the place. There are several ways to simplify the search process, more precisely to attract the attention of the fish dweller, the best of them is the correctly selected bait for the feeder for bream. Use will help to lure fish to a certain place, but for this you need to know some subtleties and features.

Purchased or homemade

There is no universal food option for bream; fish in each individual reservoir and seasons will have different preferences. Even on the same day, it can peck at options with different ingredients and smells.

In order not to be left without a catch in any scenario, it is worth considering such features when choosing a stuffing for feeders:

  • weather;
  • season;
  • features of the relief of the bottom of the reservoir;
  • excess or lack of food supply.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question whether it is better to take a purchased option or make a homemade one. However, important selection criteria remain:

  • It has a pleasant aroma, it is important that it is sufficiently persistent, but not very strong. A small amount of smell may simply not attract fish dwellers, and its overabundance will scare them away.
  • The composition should include products that are familiar to the fish and are edible for her.
  • The ingredients in the finished mixture are sufficiently crushed and thoroughly mixed.
  • The minimum amount of dusty components is the norm for food for bream, their overabundance will attract smaller inhabitants of the water area, for which the bream or scavenger simply will not have time to get to the proposed delicacy.

You should not choose options with a large fraction, even large individuals can get scared and completely refuse to eat.


Bait for bream in summer or winter on a feeder in most cases has a common basis, but flavors and binders may vary depending on fishing conditions. On the course and on still water, the viscosity of the mixture is completely different, this should definitely be taken into account when choosing or cooking at home.


For any reservoir, two mandatory components serve as the basis, each of which is important. Homemade or purchased mixtures should contain as a basis:

  • cake, most often used waste oil crops, sunflower, hemp, flax, rapeseed, pumpkin;
  • breadcrumbs, but giving preference to wheat or rye depends on the color of the bottom of the reservoir.

Do-it-yourself bait for bream for the feeder at the base should not be moldy or have a musty smell.

Leavening agents

This ingredient is used for catching fish in water areas with stagnant water. The best, according to experienced anglers, are bran, they are used most often.

Binder components

These ingredients are more often used for feed on the current, but even in stagnant water a small amount in bait will not be superfluous at all. Great options would be:

  • clay;
  • Wheat flour;
  • chopped oatmeal;
  • pea flour.

Lentil feeder bait

Sometimes dry milk is used for the same effect, but its smell is not always liked by ichthy inhabitants.


This component is no less important than the rest, by choosing the right flavoring agent, you can attract more fish, or you can scare it away from gear. You need to know that spices, essential oils, plant seeds, extracts and extracts are used for the home-cooked version.

In all other respects, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, but making your own additions often helps in attracting more fish inhabitants to a particular place.

Self cooking

Purchased mixtures, according to anglers with experience, are used only by amateurs, real bait is made independently, and the composition of the ingredients is regulated by themselves. Depending on the reservoir and the time of year, the feed differs, so that for sure the cage is complete, you need to know and apply several options. Bait for bream with your own hands recipes for the feeder are very diverse, then we will study the most popular ones.

For summer fishing in still water

For cooking take:

  • 300 g breadcrumbs;
  • 300 g bran;
  • 300 g of boiled millet;
  • 200 g roasted sunflower seeds, ground on a coffee grinder;
  • 2/3 tsp ground coriander.

For stickiness, the right amount of clay is added, this is usually done already on the pond.

Summer, over

It will show itself perfectly when caught on the river in the hot season. To prepare the mixture yourself, prepare in advance in equal parts sunflower cake, sprouted peas, boiled oatmeal, add half a part of breadcrumbs. Coriander is perfect as a flavoring agent, it can be put more during this period, about 3 teaspoons per kilo of the finished mixture. The binder will be clay, it is added to the desired consistency of the finished product.

Spring fishing mix

The outcome of spring fishing largely depends on the bait, the fish will not always miss everything offered before spawning. The options for this season are not much different in ingredients, but the proportions are completely different. Particular attention should be paid to smells.

For classic spring bait you will need the following:

  • 100 g of bran, sunflower cake, boiled millet;
  • 2 tsp coriander;
  • clay and sand for binding.

An obligatory ingredient is bloodworm, it should be enough in the mixture, about 3 boxes of feed option will be needed for this amount.

It is not necessary to grind the bloodworm into bait in the spring, it is enough to mix it with other ingredients with high quality.

Fishing in the autumn on the course

During this period, you should be careful with feed odors, they can scare away a potential catch. But some new components will increase the catchability of the feed used at times. You can attract the attention of a bream with a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • 100 g each of wheat and rye bran, boiled rice, sunflower meal;
  • two matchboxes of bloodworms or maggots;
  • clay;
  • teaspoon ground coriander.

Lentil feeder bait

The main ingredient of bait for autumn is unsalted bacon cut into 5 by 5 mm pieces.

There are other cooking options, often replacing coriander with cinnamon or ground dill seeds in late spring and summer, and fennel umbrellas will work well. In autumn, more fruit options are used as aromas; plum, strawberry, chocolate, banana, and vanilla will definitely work.

Best Natural Flavors

Anglers use attractants and lemon balm to give a pleasant smell to bait prepared at home. However, you can replace chemistry with improvised means from spices in the kitchen.

corianderused in ground form, has a strong but pleasant smell
carawaymore suitable for a scavenger, it is necessary to grind immediately before fishing
dillworks great in the summer heat, just a couple of teaspoons is enough per kilo of feed
vanillait is vanilla that is used, and not vanilla sugar, a bag of 5 g is enough for 3-5 kg ​​of feed

Other odors cannot be introduced with natural flavors, but this will make them no less effective in home-made mixtures.

Feeder bait for bream plays an important role in fishing, without it it will not be possible to achieve high results. Only the right ingredients in the right proportion can attract the attention of a decent-sized fish.

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