Lead for pike

Catching a predator can be done in many ways, for this they use gear with different components. A leash for pike will combine all fishing methods; it is always used for any equipment. It is thanks to him that the equipment will be preserved, and the trophy itself will be easier to remove from the water.

Required characteristics of leashes

A leash is a piece of material that, in terms of breaking loads, will slightly differ from the base on the gear used. Now there are several types of leashes, depending on the accessories they have, leashes for pike are:

  • with swivel and clasp;
  • with twist;
  • with twist and swivel;
  • with twist and clasp.

Lead for pike

For the first option, a crimp tube is usually additionally used; with its help, the ends of the material used are fixed. The second one has no additional components, while the third and fourth ones use single options for fishing accessories.

It is not difficult to choose a factory-made leash for any pike rig, but both beginners and experienced anglers need to know the most important characteristics. To make the tackle reliable, you need to use leashes with the following features:

featureimportant characteristics
fortresswill help to retrieve even a very large trophy
softnesswill not extinguish the game of bait, this is especially true for small turntables and wobblers
invisibilityimportant for spinning in clear water, the predator is often frightened by visible leashes

Otherwise, the leash is chosen at your discretion, it is worth noting that a good leash cannot be very cheap.

For ultra light class spinning, leashes with a minimum size of fittings, fasteners and swivels are chosen. Do not forget that they also have weight, albeit small.

Materials used

A leash for pike fishing can be factory-made, or it can be home-made. Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they are used successfully and almost equally.

In addition, leashes are divided according to the material from which they are made. To date, there are about a dozen different options for leash material, but just over half are in demand. It is worth dwelling on each of them in more detail.


This pike leash is considered a classic; it is made both independently and in factory conditions. There are two types of products:

  • single ones are softer, but durable, they are used for wobblers, small oscillators, small turntables, less often for rigging vents;
  • twisted ones are considered more powerful, they are able to withstand significant loads, they are used for heavy baits and for trolling.


The tungsten leash is also very popular, most often the ego is manufactured at the factory. The material is soft and durable, the disadvantage is its rapid wear. After notching and playing a large fish, it is necessary to replace the already twisted leash with a new one.

Tungsten is used for almost all types of baits, both artificial and natural. The leash is equipped with girders, spinning rods for a wobbler, used on a live bait and for a donkey. Turntables and oscillators will not change their work at all with such a leash, silicone will actively play in the water column without problems.


This material is the least noticeable in any light, in both cloudy and clear water. Outwardly, the lead material for this type of pike resembles a fishing line, but the characteristics are slightly different:

  • breaking loads will be smaller;
  • the thicknesses used for pike are taken from 0,35 mm;
  • Can be used in both open water and ice fishing.

Fluorocarbon leashes come in a variety of factory-made and home-made. They are used for different types of baits not only for pike, but also for other predators of the reservoir.


Leashes made of this material are quite thin and durable, modern material is soft, all baits used perfectly play without failures.

Products from such material are usually factory-made, homemade products are very rare.


This lead material has only recently been used for leads, but it has performed just fine. Titanium products are durable, practically do not add weight to the finished tackle, do not dampen the game of any bait. The disadvantages include the high cost.

Lead for pike

There are other materials for leashes, but they are less popular and are used much less frequently.

Manufacture by own hands

At home, if desired, you can make several types of leashes. Most often, home-made leashes for pike are made of steel, both twisted and equipped with a clasp and swivel, as well as fluorocarbon. This is not difficult to do, then we will describe both types:

  • many people make a leash with a clasp and a swivel; for manufacturing, in addition to fittings, you will need two crimp tubes of a suitable diameter, a leash material and crimping pliers. First, a piece of the lead material of the required length is cut off, making a margin of 5-6 cm. Putting one of the ends into the crimp, put on the clasp, then pass it through the tube again so that a loop is formed. Pliers gently crimp in a circle. They do the same with the other tip, but a swivel is inserted into the loop there.
  • Twisting from steel is as easy as shelling pears, cut off the required amount of material for the leash and simply twist it on both sides so that a small loop is formed. It is there that the bait will be placed on one side, and on the other side it will all be attached to the base.

Often, when mounting leads with a crimp, the material is passed not twice, but three times. Fishermen with experience say that this is more reliable.

When to put on a leash

Leashes are selected for each tackle separately according to the seasons and weather conditions. An important parameter of choice will be the transparency of the water, most often it is necessary to build on this.

To always be with the catch, you need to apply the following skills for choosing a leash:

  • For spinning in the spring with muddy water, leashes of different quality are used. Steel, Kevlar, tungsten, titanium will be excellent options for shaping tackle. Fluorocarbon will not add catchability, in muddy water it will work on a level with the rest.
  • Spinning gear for clear water should include a leader made of transparent materials, and this is where fluorocarbon comes in handy. The rest of the options can scare off the predator.
  • Mugs are usually equipped with regular Kevlar products, but steel or fluorocarbon will be preferable.
  • Winter vents are assembled with different types of leashes, recently anglers prefer to install large-diameter transparent fluorocarbon ones, but Kevlar is also popular.
  • Donka and float with live bait will require stronger materials, so it is preferable to use high-quality steel here.

Lead for pike

Each angler chooses on his own the leash that he considers the most suitable, but the advice is worth considering and trying different types.

It is advisable to use a leash on a pike, it will help save the tackle in case of a hook. It is up to each individual to decide which option to give preference to, but the fortress should always remain excellent.

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