As indicated in the previous article, late autumn mushrooms are poplar rowing, winter and autumn honey agarics.
RADOVKA TOPOLIN (poplar, poplar) is an exceptionally high-yielding mushroom. Fruits in October – November. This mushroom is predominantly crowded and grows in colonies, although solitary mushrooms also exist. “Families” of the fungus can immediately give half a bucket or more. Therefore, whoever went hunting after him can really fill bags, trailers, trunks. Row poplar grows most of all in the foliage of fallen black poplar, as well as under white poplars, aspens, oaks. The cap is mostly brown, although its color variations range from whitish to almost black; there may be admixtures of green, yellow, pink tones. The plates and stalk are pale pinkish white. Single specimens and crowded mushrooms can grow to the size of a plate. In the second half of November of this year, I found a mushroom about 1 kg in weight, with a cap with a diameter of more than 20 cm and a stem of about 20 cm. Raw mushrooms have a distinct cucumber aroma, bitter pulp, and a tight texture. They can be boiled, stewed, fried, salted, pickled, only after 2-day soaking. Mushrooms love sandy soils and even clean sand, so they contain a lot of sand. When soaking, you should change the water several times and wash the mushrooms thoroughly. It is advisable to boil it – and, thus, remove more sand. Nevertheless, all the same, pickled, salted, more – fried mushrooms crunch sand on their teeth to a certain extent, which is an undesirable culinary indicator. But the mushroom itself is of mediocre taste: slightly fragrant, dense, comparable to oyster mushrooms and mushrooms – both in terms of yield and colonial growth pattern, and in terms of nutritional parameters.
WINTER WATER (it is also a winter mushroom, flamulina) is also a colonial mushroom. Its colonies are from small, 5 – 6 mushrooms, to huge – up to 2 – 3 kg. It can grow both on the ground and on the stumps and trunks of living and dead trees. The mushrooms themselves are amber in color – from pale honey to dark red, small (the size of the cap reaches a maximum of 5 – 6 cm in diameter), the leg is bare – without a ring and dark at the bottom, the plates are cream. The mushroom is also of the ordinary family. Do not confuse it with the poisonous sulfur-yellow false honeycomb! In addition to the same, amber, the color of the cap, the plates, in contrast to the flamulina, are pale lemon (the color of sulfur, hence the name); the mushroom is very brittle, bitter in taste and has a specific smell of wormwood. Winter honey agaric – mushroom is also of mediocre taste; can be used in any form.
The AUTUMN WATER GROOM also grows in small quantities – a larger, colonial mushroom, dark reddish-brown in color, with a relatively thick stem and a ring on it. It is also considered a mushroom of medium quality.