L-carnitine is one of the most popular currently, sports supplements, primarily among those who do fitness and various security disciplines, variations of which now great variety.
The situation around the L-carnitine is the following: the sports community in the majority recognizes the benefit of supplements on the basis of this material (however, we found a negative), but to a particular group it should be attributed? Vitamin? Amino acid? Or a sports Supplement of some other origin? And what exactly is its use for training? In these matters there is considerable confusion. In this paper an attempt was made popular language to Express basic information about L-carnitine for all who are interested in this dietary Supplement.
General information about L-carnitine
L-carnitine is one of the nonessential amino acids. Another name, less common, l-carnitine. In the body, it contains in the muscles and liver. Its synthesis occurs in the liver and kidneys by two other amino acids (essential) – lysine and methionine, with the participation of a number of substances (vitamins b, vitamin C, several enzymes, etc.).
L-carnitine is sometimes mistakenly called vitamin B11 or mode of BT – however, as can be seen from the foregoing, it is a wrong definition, because the body can produce its own. On some properties of L-carnitine is indeed similar to the b vitamins, because of what it previously attributed to the group of substances designated by the strange term “vitamin-like substances”.
Why the need for L-carnitine
The primary function of L-carnitine, through which he began to use as sports supplements transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells, for incineration and use as an energy source (the term “burning” is certainly in the highest degree arbitrary). Based on this information, in theory, receive additional doses of l-carnitine could reduce the percentage of fat in total body weight and increase the performance and endurance of the body in their various manifestations – in fact, the processed fat is used as energy source, saving glycogen.
In practice things are not so simple. Feedback about the use of L-carnitine in the sport is quite controversial – from enthusiastic to cool negative. Serious scientific studies also a problem (generally it is the usual story for most sports supplements). Early surveys were conducted with a number of errors, and later not given the undisputed evidence of the effectiveness of L-carnitine in bodybuilding and other sports. L-carnitine contained in food of animal origin: meat, fish, dairy products are natural sources.
The use of L-carnitine
Below are the anticipated beneficial effects of L-carnitine. It is worth emphasizing that this is the alleged beneficial effects of L-carnitine because the available scientific evidence is quite contradictory and separate commercial statements from the truth it is not always possible, and the placebo effect still has not been canceled.
- The control of body weight and reduction of body fat. The mechanism of weight reduction was described briefly in the previous paragraph. It is assumed that the intake of extra doses of l-carnitine enhances the processing of fatty acids leads to weight loss.
- Extra energy for workouts and increase strength and aerobic endurance. This paragraph follows logically from the previous one. Fat is converted into additional energy, gives some savings of glycogen, the endurance and performance grow. This is especially important for those who engage in HIIT workouts, workouts with weights and crossfit.
- Increase resistance to stress and psychological fatigue, and improve mental performance. That is, theoretically, strengthening the CNS, L-carnitine is able to delay the onset of overtraining, which occurs, as a rule, exhaustion of the nervous system – it is “disabled” first. In addition, taking L-carnitine can increase results in heavy exercises in powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting – because they involved the Central nervous system “to the fullest”, along with skeletal muscles and tendons (although it should be understood that too high expectations will not be justified here).
- The anabolic effect. Famous statements and the results of several studies that the use of L-carnitine causes an anabolic response of the body, which should still be regarded as moderate. Thanks to what is happening, what is the mechanism for this action of l-carnitine – it is not yet known, there are only a number of theories, but the positive reviews there are also.
- Protection from xenobiotics. Xenobiotics are called chemical substances that are foreign to human organisms (e.g. pesticides, detergents, heavy metals, synthetic dyes, etc.). There is information that l-carnitine neutralizes their harmful effects.
- Protect the cardiovascular system from premature “wear”. This occurs by reducing levels of “bad” cholesterol as well as antioxidant and antihypoxic effect, which is important in all sports and strength and aerobic.
Harm and side effects of L-carnitine
Traditionally it is believed that L-carnitine Supplement harmless with minimal side effects even at doses much higher than recommended by the manufacturers. Among the side effects, we can mention insomnia (this effect is quite rare) and a specific disease “trimethylaminuria”. It can occur in patients receiving excessive doses of L-carnitine and outwardly noticeable by a specific smell, similar to fish, which comes from the human body and urine, and the patient himself, usually the smell does not feel.
In case of any such problems one should immediately stop taking L-carnitine. Especially on this side effect you need to pay attention to women taking l-carnitine – it is known that similar to the fishy smell can be a symptom of problems with the microflora of the intimate zones, and a woman who heard the complaints of the partner, begins to be treated “does not matter”, not knowing that the problem is actually in the sports nutrition Supplement.
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Contraindications for receiving
Taking L-carnitine is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. Although in this case, the contradiction is more of a precautionary measure, the study of real danger in such cases for obvious reasons was not performed and will not be held.
You can’t take L-carnitine to those who have to undergo hemodialysis.
Rarely, but there are cases of individual intolerance of L-carnitine of unknown origin, which may be accompanied by headache and digestive disorders. Of course, in such cases, you need to move on and taking L-carnitine to stop immediately.
Who needs L-carnitine?
If we consider L-carnitine as a dietary Supplement for sports and fitness, and not as a drug for people with deficiency, it is possible to allocate following groups of people who may find it useful:
- Athletes who are seriously training (like aerobic and anaerobic sports), which aim at a high score and perhaps take part in competitions. In this case L-carnitine is a Supplement to increase strength and overall health in sport. Appearance and control over its own weight are secondary.
- Representatives of bodybuilding and fitness. In this case L-carnitine is the Supplement to reduce fat and control over its own weight. There is important is the appearance of an athlete: the less fat the better. Strength in this case is not so important, i.e. the situation is the opposite one. Such is the L-carnitine generic – unbelievable but true.
- Popular L-carnitine and tourniment. For them and endurance are important, and the weight should be limited because with more weight to deal with at the bar is problematic.
- People just leading a healthy lifestyle and dealing with a little bit of everything – a measure of cardio, moderately work with “iron”, and all this against the background of an active lifestyle – Biking, walking, etc. a Little to increase stamina and lose weight at the same time increasing overall body tone – this Amateur athletes can also use L-carnitine.
Try taking L-carnitine people who want to lose weight without sports. Reviews on this method of use of l-carnitine contradictory – in either case, the combination of “L-carnitine + exercise” will be more effective for weight loss than just taking L-carnitine.
L-carnitine: popular questions and answers
Let’s answer the most popular questions about L-carnitine, which will help you to decide for yourself whether to buy this sports Supplement.
1. Burn does L-carnitine fat?
By itself L-carnitine does not burn anything. Correct to say: this amino acid transportorul fatty acids to the place of their “processing” with the subsequent release of energy to the cell mitochondria. It is because of this its functions are L-carnitine and have started to consider as a nutritional Supplement for athletes to help reduce the amount of body fat.
How effective is levocarnitine in this capacity, in fact – the question can be considered open until the reviews and the results of the studies are quite contradictory (in addition, many of them are openly advertising). It is logical to assume the following: L-carnitine can be used as a Supplement, helps to burn body fat, on the background of adequate training load in those sports where there is high consumption of energy.
2. Does L-carnitine to lose weight?
The answer to this question is partially contained in the preceding paragraph. It is possible to formulate a little clearer: the fat was converted into energy – this energy itself must be need. It is preferable to practise those sports disciplines which involve a very large consumption of energy, TABATA, Cycling, running, weightlifting, crossfit, etc.
Against the background of these loads can really be hoped that the body consumes glycogen, would require additional energy from the breakdown of fat. Here can help L-carnitine. Each adopted a portion of l-carnitine should “work” in training. Taking a Supplement just to “lose weight”, while not exercising – a dubious idea, the effect is likely to be smoothly tend to zero.
3. Does L-carnitine to gain muscle mass?
According to some studies L-carnitine has moderate anabolic effect. What does the “run” anabolic processes with the help of l-carnitine is not known – there are only a few theories until confirmed by researchers in practice. The anabolic effect of L-carnitine can be difficult to grasp in practice. Because increasing muscle mass may occur in parallel with the reduction of fat – the weight of an athlete may not increase or even decrease.
In order to “catch” the anabolic effect of l-carnitine is a need for more advanced methods. Logically, the anabolism caused by the intake of L-carnitine can be not only direct but indirect: by increasing the intensity of training stimulus for muscle growth getting stronger. In addition, the l-carnitine increases the appetite – it is also a way to increase muscle mass. More “construction material” – more muscle.
4. Does L-carnitine the effectiveness of training?
L-carnitine is used to increase endurance and overall training efficiency both in power, and aerobic types of sports. Including the disciplines, which clearly can be attributed neither to the one nor to the other – for example, in kettlebell lifting.
To l-carnitine have been truly effective as a sports Supplement, giving energy for workout, use a non-standard “advanced” scheme: special high diet in combination with supplementation based on L-carnitine. This method provides the athlete with energy from the breakdown of fatty acids and makes training more voluminous and intense, consequently increasing their efficiency. How in such situation to be with weight loss? Does this factor in this situation is simply ignored. This method is for those who are not concerned about reducing body fat mass and works solely on athletic performance – faster, higher, stronger.
5. Can I take L-carnitine to the girls?
No difference in the method of L-carnitine supplementation between men and women is not just desirable to calculate the dosage of this Supplement depending on its own weight. Girls who are engaged in fitness, crossfit and other sports disciplines can apply l-carnitine to control your weight and improve the efficiency of training. The only characteristic that is mentioned above – should refrain from taking L-carnitine during pregnancy and lactation.
Rules of admission of L-carnitine
Advice on taking L-carnitine and supplements that it is one of the active ingredients, quite different from different manufacturers. Below is a list of General principles of taking levocarnitine, without adjustments for the specifics of a particular Supplement and manufacturer.
- The daily dose of L-carnitine (not common, but get it from supplements) can range from 0.5 to 2 g , and its size is directly proportional to the training load and its own weight of the athlete. Thus the larger the athlete and the harder he trains, the more his daily dose. Accordingly, a petite girl who is not trained and just wants to lose some weight would be 0.5 g per day. In practice, L-carnitine supplements contains sold in pure form – it is better just to adhere to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.
- Taking L-carnitine better small courses of 2-3 weeks (in any case not more than a month), then a break of a couple of weeks and a new course. This mode will allow to avoid side effects, habituation of the organism to the drug and the “effect of cancellation”.
- The daily dose can be divided into two steps. The first appointment in the morning before meals, the second – for half an hour before training. Taking L-carnitine too late it should not be because of its “invigorating” effect. This can lead to insomnia. In the days when not training, you can take l-carnitine before Breakfast and lunch.
L-carnitine is available in different forms: liquid (syrup with a fruity taste), capsules and tablets, as well as in powder form.
Top 10 most popular L-carnitine:
View | Name |
L-carnitine in liquid form | BioTech L-Carnitine 100000 Liquid |
Multipower L-Carnitine Concentrate | |
Ultimate Nutrition Liquid L-Carnitine | |
Power System L-Carnitine Attack | |
L-carnitine capsules | SAN Alcar 750 |
SAN L-Carnitine Power | |
Nutrion Dymatize Acetyl L-Carnitine | |
L-carnitine powder | PureProtein L-Carnitine |
MyProtein Acetyl L Carnitine | |
L-carnitine tablets | Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine 500 |
1. L-carnitine in liquid form
The liquid form has a high efficiency compared to other forms of production, it includes no derivatives of L-carnitine, and itself L-carnitine of high quality. Form in capsules is more convenient because no need to mess with the dosage (of course, such packaging is more expensive).
1) BioTech L-Carnitine 100000 Liquid:
2) SciTec nutrition L-Carnitine Concentrate:
3) Ultimate Nutrition Liquid L-Carnitine:
4) Power System L-Carnitine Attack:
2. L-carnitine capsules
L-carnitine capsules are also quite efficient and convenient in a dosage – no need to pre-cook, measure and mix. Swallow the capsule whole without chewing and with sufficient for dissolution of the capsule shell of water (about 1 Cup).
1) SAN Alcar 750:
2) SAN L-Carnitine Power:
3) Nutrion Dymatize Acetyl L-Carnitine:
3. L-carnitine tablets
Tablet form occurs less frequently – when taking these pills it is better not to chew (to keep the active ingredient) and just swallow with water.
1) Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine 500:
4. L-carnitine in powder form
L-carnitine in powder form is less convenient to use, since it is first necessary to measure and stir, the overall efficiency is significantly lower compared to liquid syrups.
1) MyProtein Acetyl L Carnitine:
2) PureProtein L-Carnitine:
L-carnitine in natural foods
Natural food sources of L-carnitine are mainly animal products. This is a selection of meat, fish, seafood, milk and dairy products (cheese, curd, yoghurt etc). Food of plant origin contains very minor amounts of L-carnitine – a little more than it does in the mushrooms.
Curious detail – from natural products to digest a greater percentage of L-carnitine than from dietary supplements. This does not mean that supplementation is not effective, but their use can and should be only against adequate quality of supply.
Do I need to basically take L-carnitine?
L-carnitine can hardly be called a dietary Supplement Essentials for athletes – many train and show excellent results without it. With a limited budget to better provide for themselves in the first place quality food – both regular and sports – proteins, gainers, BCAAs, etc.
Well, if finances allow and athletic aims, in addition to improving athletic performance, and even the task of reduction of body fat – it is possible to try to apply L-carnitine, independently assessing, in practice, the feasibility of its acceptance. In favor of this Supplement say, among other things, its safety and full legality – it is not a drug and the drug is forbidden for free circulation.
Reviews about L-carnitine supplementation
Before buying I read a lot of reviews about l-carnitine, long thought whether to buy. Worked in the hall with iron for 2 months and finally decided to buy l-carnitine. Take three weeks, maybe it’s the placebo effect, but really increased endurance, energy became more even after a workout, there is no such decline and powerlessness as before. Even on a normal cardio after strength now has a strength. I’m happy with.
I do crossfit, we have a group of almost all take L-carnitine to train full and burn fat. For 2 months I lost 12 kg + very good left abdomen and flanks. Here, perhaps, all together worked – and a heavy load, and L-carnitine, but I will continue to take, because the effect is pleasing.
I’m after L-carnitine greatly increased appetite, just unreal! Feel constantly hungry. Although maybe it is because I am intense in the gym with weights and tabatas. Perhaps this exercise has that effect of constant hunger. I’ll try for a month to stop taking L-carnitine and compare.
Taking l-carnitine for six months courses in addition to sports nutrition. It is difficult to judge its effectiveness in terms of burning fat (I have, in principle, it a little), but the fact that it gives the effect of “Energizer”, that’s for sure. There is nothing to compare. I buy in capsules, often SAN Power and Dymatize.
On the advice of friends began to drink the fat burner l-carnitine, it is very praised, said he lost a lot of weight in a month 6. I had a drink in 3 weeks, no effect… Although maybe the fact that I don’t exercise and what you eat, although trying to follow, but still a sweet sin…
I started taking carnitine after two months of training. The coach said that once it make is not worth it, while the body is drawn and no heavy loads. Take 15 minutes before class is in liquid form say this carnitine effective. Trainer advised BioTech or Power System.
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