The effectiveness of any workout, strength or cardio, directly depends on the performance of the body. That is, the process of obtaining energy, delivering it to the body and further removing decay products must be debugged and not fail. Endurance and the body’s ability to endure loads for a long time is provided by carbohydrate reserves. You can force the body to use its own fat deposits as an energy source in several ways – by limiting the calorie intake, using a carbohydrate-free diet and taking additional stimulants.
The known properties of caffeine to increase the efficiency of physical activity and relatively safely stimulate not only physical, but also mental activity, have been successfully used by athletes to achieve the best results from training. Caffeine increases calorie expenditure both during exercise and at rest (calorifier). Caffeine acts directly on the lipolysis process, which leads to an accelerated loss of extra pounds. This is because caffeine stimulates the nervous system and metabolism, makes you more active, which naturally increases calorie expenditure.
Rapid addiction to caffeine and its negative effects on the heart and vascular system can be minimized if the correct dosage of caffeine is taken. The norm for a healthy person is 6 mg caffeine per 1 kg of body weight.
If you have heart problems or hypertension, you need to get your doctor’s approval first. Limiting caffeine should be done if you have difficulty sleeping or are under chronic stress. The recommendation to drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach before physical activity is not suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.
Carnitine is a substance necessary for the transport of fatty acids from the body’s lipid reserves to the cells of muscle tissue, where the further process of converting them into energy takes place. The body synthesizes carnitine on its own, but in order to increase the efficiency of lipolysis, its own reserves of carnitine are not enough.
An additional intake of L-carnitine helps the body to use fat reserves more intensively. The consumption rate of L-carnitine is calculated by the formula: 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
L-carnitine + caffeine
Complementing each other, caffeine and L-carnitine can significantly increase the body’s performance and reduce the time after which the fat burning process begins. It is known that active lipolysis occurs after about 40 minutes of training, the joint intake of caffeine and L-carnitine cuts the time in half (calorizator). It has been proven that L-carnitine has a positive effect on the immune and cardiovascular system, minimizes the risk of blood clots. In other words, all the negative properties of caffeine are offset by the benefits of L-carnitine.
If pure caffeine can be found mainly in the form of tablets and capsules, then L-carnitine is found in different forms – tablets, capsules, liquid. Capsules are absorbed faster than tablets, and liquid is absorbed faster than capsules.
Sports nutritionists recommend that you take caffeine and L-carnitine 20-40 minutes before your aerobic workout. Both supplements increase performance, endurance, and fatigue, so you can exercise to the fullest and burn fat more efficiently.
It would be unwise to rely only on stimulants, it would be much more correct to combine the intake of drugs for burning fat with a diet based on a calorie deficit, sufficient protein intake and minimal intake of simple carbohydrates.