
One of the most popular American bloggers shares his personal experience in the fight against procrastination — i.e. with our eternal habit of postponing everything “for later”.

It is difficult to find a person for whom this issue would not be relevant. What to do! Almost everyone was told: “Who will you be when you grow up?”, “Here you will graduate from the institute — and then …” or “You will have your own children …”. As a result, we’ve developed a habit that’s almost as bad as the word the experts call it: «procrastination.» This means that we put off too much for later — in the future, which, by the way, is less and less every day. Of course, we are not to blame for this. But whoever we blame, we will have to save ourselves. And Leo Babauta is ready to lead us by example. He is not a psychologist or a guru. He is not afraid to give direct advice, but does not teach life. One of the most popular American bloggers, he simply shares his experience, because he himself went this way: at first he put everything off for later, and then he started doing everything “right now”. His recommendations to “just start,” “take responsibility,” and others are nothing particularly new. The new thing is that they are all gathered together in a small book that can be read on the road without wasting time. Right now.

Alpina Publisher, 125 p.

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