- What is the kundalini?
- She slumbers in all of us
- Why awaken the kundalini that sleeps in everyone
- The different techniques of awakening the kundalini
- Kundalini awakening techniques
- Tantric principles in the awakening of the kundalini
- The manifestations of awakening kundalini
- Kundalini Yoga awakens the fiery serpent that sleeps in you
Have you ever heard of kundalini? This word is related to Yoga and it comes from Sanskrit. It is a term for the life energy that is found in its sleeping form in humans.
To awaken it, you have to go through a complex initiation process. Awakening kundalini through meditation is revitalizing and can change your life. (1) Ache in your head and in your skin?
Bad luck stuck to your basques and you can’t reach your potential? Awaken Your Sleeping Kundalini to benefit from its benefits.
What is the kundalini?
Kundalini comes from kundala, a Sanskrit word meaning “earring, bracelet, circled in a spiral”.
The kundalini or fiery serpent or life energy is related to Yoga, an ancestral Hindu doctrine, which connects the person to the principles of his existence (his Self).
Kundalini is a spiritual, cosmic or vital energy, which is coiled three times inside a triangle which is located at the base of the spine, at the level of the perineum.
This life energy is normally at rest in ordinary people. Once awakened, it goes up along the spine and activates the centers of the psyche or chakras.
She slumbers in all of us
Kundalini is activated through tantric initiation processes. Tantrism is a set of texts, doctrines, methods and initiation rituals, which come from Hinduism and are practiced all over the world.
Far from superstition or magic, theinitiation to meditation allows man to fully regenerate himself and to have a healthy body, a calm mind and the power to realize his potential.
People who seek spiritual upliftment and attainment of higher consciousness can awaken kundalini through meditation. It has several objectives and its effects are numerous.
The search for self, unity and inner serenity are his priorities. The effects are well-being, relaxation and spirituality.
Meditate for the purpose ofawaken your kundalini allows the passage of the energy of life in the sushumna, one of the channels of circulation of the energy in the body, which irrigates it entirely.
To read: How to open your 7 chakras
Why awaken the kundalini that sleeps in everyone
The kundalini at rest does not act. When awake, its impact and benefits on your form, your health and your psyche are immeasurable. Different techniques allow you toawaken your kundalini or “serpent of fire”.
Thus, by browsing the site Espritsciencemetaphysique you will discover that theawakening of the kundalini allows you to get rid of stress and depression in just 3 steps. (2)
You must know that in addition to being of flesh and blood, the human being is energy. To live in negation or in conflict with one’s energy is to self-mutilate on the one hand or to create psychological and physical conflicts.
The result is very often indecision and chronic depression. You may also suffer from inner restlessness or the feeling of inner emptiness.
Addictions and signs of a disturbed mind looking for something may appear: addiction to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc.
You may even be double ignorant of not knowing, or even being aware of your mind’s search. You just suffer the consequences.
However, your mind knows that it is seeking balance and is using all of the above as crutches, to move forward in disorder, in any direction.
You must channel it and mobilize it in search of Self and Unity, in awakening your kundalini. There are many techniques that can be used to awaken it.
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The different techniques of awakening the kundalini
Most of the techniques that allowawaken the kundalini are not revealed until they can receive them. So one of the techniques that awakens the kundalini is that of Krya Yoga.
It consists of fighting against stress, depression and leads to spiritual enlightenment, contributing to thebodily awakening of the chakras. It improves health and removes deep suffering.
Meditation is a technique that awaken the kundalini by undoing the various energy nodes (chakras) in the body. There are 7 chakras and their role is to convey and contain energy in the body.
The nadis in the awakening of the kundalini
According to the Aventureceleste site, The nadis are conduits that are in us. Tens of thousands of nadis exist and the most important are Sushumna, Ida and Pingala. (3)
Sushumna, crosses the body vertically while carrying the kundalini. Ida is a lunar energy that soothes and refreshes. Its starting point is to the left of the first chakra and ends in the left nostril.
Pingala is the channel of solar energy (ardor and momentum). The nadis meet and their crossing points are chakras. A main chakra forms at the crossroads of 21 nadis and the intersection of 14 nadis forms a secondary chakra.
The purification of the nadis is essential to ensure the flow of the life energy.
The chakras in the awakening of the kundalini
The 1st chakra or “Muladhara” is located at the level of the perineum. It is related to the earth. Its focus extends from the feet, through the legs and genitals.
The vital force of the body influences the perception of reality and its imbalance pushes towards excesses of all kinds. The color that represents it is red.
The sacral chakra is located between the umbilicus and the pubis. It is related to water and its color is orange. Linked to the reproductive organs, the urogenital system and the kidneys, it is also linked to sex hormones.
It is the center of sexual pleasure and the identity of the Self.
The solar chakra or even the navel chakra is stimulated by the color yellow. It has to do with fire. The solar chakra is about the emotions. In contact with the digestive organs, its imbalance causes an excessive ego and nepotism.
The heart chakra has air as its favorite element. It is localized on the heart, blood circulation, lymphatic, etc. He is the center of love and he is stimulated by the colors pink and green.
The communication and perception chakra of intuition is simulated by the color blue and is located at the throat. It encompasses the thyroid, throat, nose, ears, mouth, and neck. It is used for creativity, and for making good decisions.
The sixth chakra is that of the third eye. It is located on the forehead, between the two eyes. It encourages the conquest of knowledge, the acquisition and control of intuition. It also controls memory and concentration.
It acts on artistic creation and the imagination. The turquoise color stimulates him.
The seventh chakra or crown is located at the top of the skull. It is the chakra of pure consciousness. He is associated with the color purple, but his energy is white.
It is spirituality and the inner Self. It is represented by a lotus of 100 petals and its seat is in the bones and the skin.
After you have learned to recognize the different chakras, you can learn to master them in order to wake up the kundalini that lies dormant in you. It is through meditation that you can achieve this.
But then, how to meditate?
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Kundalini awakening techniques
The methods and techniques of meditation for awaken the kundalini are numerous. They depend on the sensitivity of each person and their aptitudes.
We cannot impose a technique of meditation, but propose some models which will lead you to the awakening of the kundalini.
Some authors like Laurent Dureau, think that the kundalini only circulates from the first to the sixth chakra, the seventh acting as an antenna for receiving energy.
For these authors, meditation is done with sounds that stimulate the requested chakra. The notes do, re, mi, fa, sol stimulate from the first to the fifth chakra.
The posture during meditation does not matter because it might even awaken the discomfort and not the kundalini in you.
Tantric principles in the awakening of the kundalini
Marc Alain Descamps is the author of the book “The awakening of the kundalini” published in 2005. He opts for an approach respectful of the seven principles of tantrism.
So, assuming that a poison well used can also heal, you will go through initiation, tantric practice and the transmission of knowledge by someone who has reached the optimal unfolding of their own kundalini.
The principle of adaptation to the age of each disciple makes it possible not to attack the spirit of a disciple with practices for which he is not yet mature. Transgression produces intense feelings and emotions.
The last principle states that everything is there, there is nothing hidden or nonexistent to the conscious mind. He operates a recognition of himself and of what surrounds him.
The manifestations of awakening kundalini
Audrey Mouge published an article on the Inrees website which shows thatawakening of the kundalini is a unique experience. She is seen as the holy grail of spiritual quest.
Régine Degrémont affirms that the kundalini must rise as the result of an evolution and a spiritual practice. It is dangerous and not recommended to bring it up by force.
There are practices that help to develop it, such as Kundalini yoga or initiations such as Shaktipat for example.
The latter practice is defined as the transmission of spiritual energy from one person to another.
Shaktipat can be transmitted by a sacred word or mantra, by looking, thinking or touching. Usually it is transmitted through the recipient’s third eye (a bit of magic or witchcraft).
It is often the master who transmits this knowledge to the disciple. Indeed, any blockage of thevital energy in the ducts or meridians, can be treated by Reiki, Qi Gong, Yoga, etc. You can thus awaken your kundalini with these techniques.
Reiki is a healing method of Japanese origin. It is based on so-called energy healing through the laying on of hands.
Qi gong, qigong, chi gong or even chi kung is a traditional Chinese gymnastics and a science of breathing based on the knowledge and mastery of the breath by associating movements with it.
Kundalini Yoga awakens the fiery serpent that sleeps in you
Yoga is used for awaken your kundalini when it is at rest. There are several kinds, but the one that serves to awaken your vital energy is the yoga kundalini. This yoga is making contact with oneself.
Yogi Bhajan was born in 1929 and died in 2004. It was he who laid the foundations of yoga kundalini as we know it today. His intention was to develop a natural detoxification cure based on meditations, medicinal plants and massages.
THEawakening of the kundalini is a global knowledge which passes through the mastery of the nadis, the different chakras and the tantric principles.
To be able to awaken it, you must use the techniques of kundalini yoga, Shaktipat, qi gong or other methods of meditation.
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Naomba kufunguliwa
Naomba kufunguliwa kundalini