Kindergarten registration: instructions for use
That’s it, your little one will soon join the benches of the nursery school. He is going to say goodbye to his crèche friends, or to his nursery assistant, to go to the “grown-ups”. An event as much awaited as it is feared, because it is not always easy to see your chick grow up, gain autonomy. Anyway, this great moment is prepared a little beforehand. We give you the keys so that it runs like clockwork (schoolbag).
Compulsory education from 3 years old
Education is now compulsory from the age of 3 (compared to 6 years previously). This requirement applies from the start of the school year in the calendar year in which the child reaches the age of 3. This means that he must either be enrolled in a school or undergo home instruction. Failure to comply with this obligation results in a fine of up to € 1. This law, which entered into force at the start of the 500 school year, aims to “fight against inequalities from an early age. »In the other countries of the European Union, the age at which compulsory schooling begins varies from 2019 to 4 years.
In the audience
If you choose the audience, the first registration for kindergarten will take place at the town hall. It must be done a few months before the start of the school year, from March to June, the deadline.
Before traveling, prepare the documents you will be asked for:
- family record book ;
- identity card or copy of the child’s birth certificate;
- proof of address ;
- document certifying that the child has had the compulsory vaccinations for his age, or justifies a contraindication;
- etc.
The town hall then issues a registration certificate indicating the school where your child is assigned. For registration to be final, you must then make an appointment at this school. Then, if the child does not change schools, you will not have to renew the enrollment each year. The transition to medium section, then to large section, will therefore be done automatically. On the other hand, if you move, you will have to ask the principal of the school where your child was registered for a certificate of radiation. Then, start the registration process again with the town hall of your new home.
Derogation or private school
If the school where your child has been assigned is not suitable for you, you will have to file a request for exemption with the town hall. “If you want to register your child in a municipality other than the one where you live, you must obtain the agreement of the mayor of your municipality of residence and of the mayor of the host municipality”, we can read on Education.gouv. Fr.
One reason may be, for example, that the school in a municipality other than yours is closer to your home. This request may be refused if the justification is not considered sufficiently relevant.
If you want to register your child in private, no need to go through the town hall. You will simply have to make an appointment at the school of your choice. In some very popular private schools, registration files are submitted a long time in advance, sometimes a year before the start of the school year. The documents to be provided are generally the same as for a public school. Public school is free. The cost in the private sector makes the big difference from one establishment to another.
“The kindergarten program is organized into five learning areas,” recalls the Ministry of Education on its website “Mobilize language in all its dimensions. Act, express yourself, understand through physical activity. To act, to express oneself, to understand through artistic activities. Build the first tools to structure your thinking. Explore the world. “
Possible from 2 years old
And yes, in France, your dear blond head can go to nursery school from the age of 2. He will then join a “very small section.” But be careful, it is not enough to submit a registration request for it to be accepted. For this, it is necessary to meet conditions (acquired cleanliness, level of language, etc.) and that there is still space. Because priority is naturally given to children aged 3 at the start of the school year, or who will be 3 years old before January 1 of the following year.
10,8% of 2-year-olds were enrolled in an establishment at the start of the 2019 school year, according to the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. The official objective is to fight against social inequalities, by allowing toddlers from disadvantaged backgrounds to access a stimulating environment. And therefore, increase their chances of academic success.
For or against early schooling, the debate is still not settled. Supporters of “for” argue that it is an accelerator of socialization, and develops language. Those who are “against” answer that this cognitive over-stimulation is not adapted to their age, that the premises are not always adapted, that the staff is not always trained … In any case, so that it benefits for the child, the hours must be relaxed, and above all, the child must be ready. If he goes backwards, you will probably have to reconsider your choice.