Keeping Dzungarian hamsters at home

Keeping Dzungarian hamsters at home

Despite the fact that domestic Dzungarian hamsters are quite unpretentious, the characteristics of these animals should be taken into account when breeding. Before introducing such an animal in the house, find out more about its character, requirements for care and feeding.

Keeping Dzungarian hamsters at home

The dimensions of this rodent are small: the length does not exceed 5 cm with a weight of 45 g. But his character is alive, and the need to constantly move is inherent in him by nature. Therefore, the cage should be spacious, and the installation of a small running wheel will allow the hamster to spend its energy running and giving pleasure to the owners.

Domestic Dzungarian hamsters are distinguished by long hair and a dark stripe on the back.

The content of this animal is influenced by its physiological characteristics and habits.

  • Use an iron cage or aquarium. The dwelling should be well ventilated and strong enough to withstand the animal’s strong teeth.
  • Set him a sand bath. He has a silky coat, but he cannot be bathed in water.
  • Let him sleep during the day. This is a nocturnal animal, a violation of its characteristic biological rhythm is harmful to health.
  • Keep the cage clean. The rodent is practically odorless, but its waste products smell unpleasant. Use sawdust or sand as bedding and change it two to three times a week.
  • Don’t keep many animals together. They get nervous, quarrel and can injure each other, and they endure loneliness calmly.

These hamsters can breed all year round, but it is advisable to re-breed them with a break of four months after giving birth. In the last days of pregnancy and at least two weeks after the appearance of the babies, do not clean in the cage and do not take the female and her offspring in your arms.

What are Dzungarian hamsters fed at home?

For feeding rodents, balanced mixtures have been developed that provide the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. You can create a diet for your pet yourself. The following products are well suited for this:

  • Hard food. Give him wheat germ, corn, alfalfa, pumpkin seeds, and melon seeds.
  • Cereals. Animals love buckwheat, peas, oatmeal.
  • Vegetables. Use boiled carrots, beets, raw radishes, and eggplant.
  • Herbs. Dandelion greens, dill, parsley, clover are useful for them.
  • Meat and fish. These foods should be boiled in unsalted water and given in small pieces.

Low-fat dairy products and dried fruits are well suited for hamsters, but you cannot give them various exotic fruits, cabbage, honey, sour cream.

With proper care, Dzungarian hamsters will live up to three years, giving pleasure to their fuss. But if you can’t give them the attention they deserve, they’ll just become an unpleasant burden.

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