Juvenile justice
Childhood delinquency is intensifying, but above all rejuvenated! The 2006 draft law against delinquency, by the Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy, thus envisages the tightening of sanctions against minors (see box).
Juvenile justice has evolved well: before the mid-twentieth century, adults and minors were subject to the same laws, both civil and criminal … until the State became aware that the child, who did not have still mature, needs a sanction that educates and sanctions. Since the 1945 ordinance, the age of the minor is considered: the educational sanction prevails over any sentence.
As for the 1958 ordinance, it allows the judge to intervene with the child in danger.
In 2005, 194 minors were referred to the juvenile courts, a decrease of 262% compared to 0,5. 2004% as minors in danger and 57,5% as delinquents. Girls represent 42,5% of new minors in danger and only 45% of juvenile delinquents.