Just 4 Ingredients: A Dessert That Won’t Get Better

A light and tasty dessert that will not affect the waist is cottage cheese marshmallow. It is easy to cook at home, and it will take a maximum of half an hour to cook it. 

Its first advantage over commercial marshmallows is simplicity, because you only need to mix four ingredients. The second is that it is low in calories and is included in the acceptable menu of the famous Ducan diet. The third – although it is cottage cheese, but it is a marshmallow and can be offered to little unwilling people who wrinkle their nose at the sight of cottage cheese.


  • 400 g. Cottage cheese
  • 15 Gelatin
  • 120 ml. Milk
  • 50 g Powdered sugar



1. Pour warm milk over the gelatin and let sit for 10-15 minutes.

2. Whisk the cottage cheese and powdered sugar in a blender.

3. Add the swollen gelatin to the curd mass and beat again.

4. Pour the mixture into a mold and refrigerate for 2 hours.

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