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Biography of Jim Carrey: the path to success
James Eugene was born on January 17, 1962 in the small Canadian town of Newmarket in the family of saxophonist and accountant Percy Carré and his wife, singer Kathleen. The family already had two daughters, Pat and Rita, and a son, John. In the family of the mother one could find Irish, Scots and French.
When Jim, as the boy’s relatives called him, was 14 years old, the family moved to the neighboring town of Scarborough. The reason was material difficulties, after the loss of his job as the head of the family.
My father found a job as a security guard at the Titanium Wheels factory in the suburbs of Toronto. The factory produced spare parts for cars. Soon, Kathleen went to work on the same enterprise, and after her the rest of the family.
When classes were over, the children hurried to the factory, where they did the cleaning, washed the floors and toilets. The formerly playful Jim soon closed in on himself, he hardly spoke, and answered all questions reluctantly and in monosyllables.
The mother had long suffered from hypochondriacal syndrome, regularly finding symptoms of various diseases in her. Therefore, the household tried not to burden the sick woman with work. One day the whole family quit the factory.
The family huddled in the camper until Percy was offered a job in Burlington. They rented an apartment in this town. Jim continued his studies, and in 1979 created the “Spoons” group and got a job at the Dofasco plant.
Ups and downs
From early childhood, James Eugene was fond of parodying, or, as the family said, “antics”. He perfectly portrayed neighbors, TV presenters and classmates. Everyone especially liked the parodies of J. Nicholson and the Soviet leader Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.
In 1973, the stubborn young man sent about eight dozen parodies to K. Barnett’s TV show, but in vain waited several months for an answer. In 1977, the father decided to showcase his son’s talents at the Yak-Yak Club in Toronto.
But the audience did not like the performance of a 15-year-old teenager, they booed him, rotten eggs flew onto the stage. After such a failure, the young parodist refused to appear in public for a couple of years.
In 1979, Jim performed at L. Spivak’s club and soon became the star of this establishment. He created his image, imitating his idol J. Lewis. In 1981, Kerry moved to Los Angeles and began performing at the Comedy Store club.
Kerry followed television closely, dreaming of being on NBC’s Saturday Nightlife, but he was out of luck. He became a guest presenter only twice: in the spring of 1996 and in the winter of 2011.
Under the patronage of Joel Schumacher, the comedian was invited to the casting of the film “Capital Taxi Drivers”, but he was not accepted. Kerry did not give up and became a famous parodist. In 1984, f. “People” marked him as one of the best in the genre.
Career quickly took off, and the actor summoned his parents. Only three months passed and his TV program was canceled. Kerry found himself in a difficult financial position. He had no job, and he still had to take care of his parents. The mother was already seriously ill.
This whole situation led to a new wave of severe depression. After borrowing money from friends, Jim sent his parents home.
Almost every day he went to audition or casting, but fortune seemed to have turned away from him. To calm himself from constant failures, Kerry began to sculpt sculptures of characters for animation. There were no tours either, and the actor did not appear on stage for about two years.
Jim Carrey’s personal life
The actor’s height is 1,88m. Zodiac sign – Capricorn.
In March 1987, the actor married Melissa Womer, and soon a daughter, Jane Erin, appeared in the family. But family relationships deteriorated every day. In the behavior of Kerry appeared, inexplicable by logic, oddities. Loud scandals regularly broke out between the spouses. In 1995, the couple filed for divorce.
Jim with his wife Melissa and daughter
Melissa received $ 7 million in compensation. Kerry began to have long-term depression, he began to take antidepressants, gradually increasing the dose. After a while, he realized that the drugs were not helping him. Kerry decided to overcome depression by taking a complex of vitamins and being actively involved in sports.
Having won a difficult victory over depression, he planned to write a book about this period of his life.
In late 1991, Kathleen died of kidney disease, followed by Percy three years later. In 1991, the actor released on television his show “The Unnatural Act of J. Kerry”, dedicated to his mother. In 1994, he starred in the acclaimed film The Mask as a green-faced superhero.
In searching of love
Soon, Kerry and Lauren Holly, who played with him in the movie “Dumb and Dumber”, had a magnificent wedding. The union could not stand even a year.
For some time, the actor met with Renee Zellweger, then his personal doctor T. Silver became the comedian’s girlfriend, who was replaced by the model. Playboy Anine Bing. Once the actor admitted that he did not believe in the tale of eternal love. In 2004, the actor added American citizenship to Canadian citizenship.
The actor had a rather long affair from 2005 to 2010 with the model J. McCarthy. Both of them are activists of the “Help for Generations” movement, their social position brought them closer together. The romance was not easy, many spoke of Kerry’s strange behavior, without adding anything specific.
Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy
When the couple broke up, rumors appeared in the press that the actor paid Jenny $ 25 million. Perhaps such a large amount will be explained by the fact that the actor seeks not to divulge some details of his life. Jenny claims that “this is speculation.”
In 2012, Kerry met 28-year-old Katriona White. The relationship lasted six months. In 2013, White married Mark Burton. In the spring of 2015, Ekaterin and Jim began to appear in public together again.
On September 24, the couple broke up, and after 5 days Ekaterin committed suicide by taking a huge dose of sleeping pills. On Twitter, she wrote: “I hope I was kind to those close to you.”
A year later, M. Burton and Ekaterin’s mother sued Kerry. They said that he had infected the woman with many diseases that are transmitted through intimate contact. The court dismissed the claim.
At the 2019 Golden Globes, the comedian appeared with a new girlfriend, 34-year-old actress Ginger Gonzaga. He has a grandson, born in 2010, Jackson Riley, from the only daughter of Jane and rock musician Alex Santana.
Jim Carrey with his daughter
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