In order for the body to begin to lose weight, it is not at all necessary to exhaust it with hours of exertion. Classes will take much less time than you think!
Dreaming of getting the body of our dreams as soon as possible, we go to the fitness club with the thoughts: “I may get tired, but the longer the lesson lasts, the faster I will lose weight.” But it turns out that long workouts are not at all as effective as they say.
Experts today say that exercising too long or too intensely can undermine your efforts, or even start working against you altogether. The reason is the hormones that your body produces.
Sara Gottfried, M.D., author of several bestselling books on hormones, calls the optimal numbers for those wishing to lose weight: classes for 20-30 minutes a day, four times a week.
“How to lose weight?” This question torments so many
“Rather than sitting in a chair all day and then giving a heavy load in the fitness room for several hours, it is better to exercise less intensely, but more regularly,” Sarah Gottfried quotes the publication
When choosing workouts, Dr. Gottfried recommends paying attention to yoga and Pilates: these exercises do not affect individual muscles, but the whole body, toning it up without unnecessary stress. In contrast, intense training puts the body under stress, as Sarah Gottfried explains. Which, in turn, induces the release of cortisol and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH).
“CRH increases the permeability of the intestinal wall, as well as the lungs, skin and brain. And high cortisol levels can block digestion, interfering with blood circulation in the intestines. This is definitely not necessary if you want to lose a couple of pounds. Professional athletes take supplements to combat these problems, but if you are not preparing for the Olympics, why exercise that stress? ” – Sarah Gottfried comments.
Another problem associated with high cortisol levels is that it causes cravings for sweets, foods high in fat, sugar and calories. Is it necessary for those who dream of losing weight?
Plank is a static exercise that burns about 50 kcal per minute and is a great way to lose weight and tighten muscles
Important point: our body synthesizes dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a steroid secreted by the adrenal cortex and ovaries. A decrease in DHEA levels leads to the accumulation of excess fat. To avoid this, include in the menu the following foods: nuts, seeds, fatty fish, avocados, meat, eggs, butter and Greek yogurt, coconut and olive oil.
Yoga is a great option for those looking to lose weight