Dietary bread is still a controversial product. On the one hand, its supporters shout about the benefits for the figure and special nutrition, opponents refute all the facts and claim that dietary bread is fraught with hidden harm.
What are the loaves of bread
Various technologies and products are used to prepare bread rolls. The basis of the loaves are cereals (grain) and additives, which means that they will already differ in taste, calorie content, and benefits. The most popular are rice, buckwheat, corn, wheat and rye bread.
They can also include bran or crushed cereals, sprouted grains, garlic, dill, raisins, sea cabbage, iodine, calcium, lecithin and other ingredients that will enrich and diversify the taste of bread.
The use of bread rolls
Contrary to misconceptions, bread has a lot of calories. But it is due to the manufacturing technology and the initial raw materials that they are considered more useful than the same high-calorie bread. Loaves are rough for digestion, which means that the body will try more to digest them, therefore, it will lose more calories.
Also, the composition of the loaves includes unprocessed cereals, which retain more vitamins and minerals, fiber and fiber. In particular, vitamin B, which bread lacks. This vitamin normalizes mood, and for a person who is losing weight, this is important.
One loaf contains a daily allowance of fiber, and it is important for athletes and those who follow a diet. Protein is also important, which is also more than enough in the loaves.
Bread has a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract, and a properly functioning system is a guarantee of strong immunity, strong nails and beautiful hair and skin.
There are no yeast, food dyes and harmful additives in the loaves – this is a plus to the positive sides of this product.
Harm of bread rolls
Loaves of bread are different, and no one is immune from the dishonesty of the manufacturer. Poor raw materials, chemical additives and flavor enhancers that are added to some loaves do not add health, but extra pounds do.
Bread is hard to digest, and people with a sensitive stomach feel it very much. Therefore, gastritisers and ulcers are most often forced to abandon their use.
To make bread useful, they can not be eaten indefinitely. However, the loaves are saturated more slowly, and it is sometimes very difficult to resist.
Fasting day on bread rolls
To make the most of the dietary effect of bread rolls, you can arrange a fasting day on their basis. Your menu for this day should include bread rolls (200 grams) and kefir (a liter). Divide the food into 4-5 meals, drink water between them.
Such a fasting day will stir up your metabolism and allow you to lose weight within 1-2 kg.