- Is it true that the Perricone diet helps you rejuvenate?
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- With an adequate diet it is possible to mitigate the effects of the passage of time on your skin and your body
Is it true that the Perricone diet helps you rejuvenate?
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With an adequate diet it is possible to mitigate the effects of the passage of time on your skin and your body
Not everything is genetics or treatments, in many cases it is enough to know how to eat the right diet so that the effects of the passage of time are not visible either internally or externally. This is where the Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone, respected nutritionist member of the “American College of Nutrition”, in addition to being a pioneer in talking about “antiaging” nutrition and superfoods (anti-inflammatory and antioxidant).
This praised doctor has come up with the formula everyone wants to know: how do you keep your skin always radiant? Nutrition is the cornerstone of the so-called “3-Tier Global Care Philosophy” that Perricone has created. The effects of your program are not externally visible, but rather improve general health, substantially increasing energy and benefiting mood. This “Philosophy in 3 levels»For healthy aging and healthy skin, in addition to improving appearance, it helps you feel better organically at all stages of life. Faces as well known as Eva Mendes, Gwyneth Paltrow or Uma Thurman they have already found that the inflammation of the aging process can be controlled and delayed.
What is the Perricone diet?
It should be noted that it has not been designed to lose weight, although those who have resorted to it have lost the odd kilogram as one of the keys is the good organic functioning that it promotes to reach our normo-weight or ideal weight. But Perricone is more than a diet: it is a change in mentality, a way of re-evaluating eating habits to achieve a healthier life, as it helps to stop inflammation and cellular oxidation through the prioritization of certain essential antioxidants and «antiaging»And, with this, to recover the health of the skin and the body in general, in addition to boosting energy.
Antiaging Diet Guidelines
- Each meal should include high-quality protein, low-glycemic carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
- Protein should always be consumed first to help the digestion process and avoid a glycemic response. Next, fibers, and lastly, complex carbohydrates.
- Drink between 8 and 10 glasses of mineral water a day: the first on an empty stomach and always accompanying each meal with one.
- Substituting green tea for coffee is key to preventing accelerated aging and stimulating metabolism.
- Dr. Perricone recommends half an hour of daily exercise, combining cardiovascular, muscular vigor and flexibility, three fundamental elements to maintain good health and vitality.
- Getting enough sleep is essential for the anti-aging regimen, since during sleep the negative effects of cortisol are canceled, the hormone of growth and youth is released, and melatonin is released, a hormone with positive effects on the skin and the system immunological.
What habits are counterproductive?
As in any other diet, Dr. Perricone advises 100% against the sugar consumption since it is the main responsible for glycation, a process by which the sugar molecules adhere to the collagen fibers causing them to lose elasticity. One of the incompatible drinks is coffeeas it has been shown to increase tension and cause an increase in insulin. Soft drinks and alcohol cannot be ingested either if you want to carry out the Perricone formula as they contain numerous sweeteners. Inhaling a puff of tobacco generates more than a trillion free radicals in the lungs, so it would also be out of the «alimentos pro-aging».
Wild salmon
Salmon is high in DMAE, axanthin, and essential fatty acids (more than 5% of them are “good” fats). Its high proportion of Omega-3 increases in non-farm-raised salmon: free-range salmon feed on plankton, micro-organisms in which this type of fat is abundant.
Extra virgin olive oil
Composed of almost 75% oleic acid (a monounsaturated fat responsible for reducing the oxidation of LDL, or “bad cholesterol”, which can cause deterioration of cells), it contains high levels of polyphenols such as hydroxytyrosol (a protective antioxidant that is only found in high concentrations in this class of olive oil). Perricone recommends first-pressing extra virgin olive oils, since they contain less acidity and higher levels of fatty acids and polyphenols, since as the pressing increases, more antioxidants are lost.
Green vegetables
A soup based on broccoli, spinach or green asparagus is a great option to obtain nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin C, calcium or magnesium, which slow down aging. In addition, these green leafy vegetables contain a high proportion of water, providing hydration to the skin from within. Whenever possible, fresh or naturally frozen foods will be chosen, avoiding processed packages, since they include excessive cooking, destroy nutrients, in addition to adding excess salts and sugars to the food.
Strawberries and red or forest fruits
Powerful antioxidants with low glycemic content are key to achieving a more youthful and vibrant face. In addition, they help reduce accumulated body fat, which is normally “fixed” through foods with a glycemic index greater than 50.
Organic natural dairy, without sweeteners
Dr. Perricone recommends, in general, consuming organic products, and even more so in the case of dairy products that will be part of the antiaging diet, which is essential that they are BGH (bovine growth hormone) free. Among the two most recommended are organic plain yogurt (without added sugar or sweeteners) and kefir. Both contain important bacteria for gut health and improve digestion. Certain cheeses are also allowed: solids are recommended, such as feta, avoiding triple fat and very salty.
Flaked oats
Rich in fibers, monounsaturated fats and proteins, it helps control cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as improving the digestive system, regulating blood sugar and protecting the body against cancer.
Aromatic plants and spices
Dr. Perricone recommends certain spices that, in addition to flavoring foods, have antiaging properties, such as turmeric: anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Tabasco sauce is another of the accepted options, since its preparation process preserves the properties of the capsaicin, a powerful antirust content in large proportion in chili peppers.
Green Tea
It is one of the key drinks in the Perricone antiaging diet with more scientifically confirmed anti-aging properties. Not only does it contain catechin polyphenols, (antioxidants that stimulate metabolism and slow down aging), but it also helps prevent the absorption of harmful fats, reducing it by 30%, while the amino acid theonine improves mood.
Mineral water
Dehydration hinders the metabolism of fats and, therefore, will prevent the body from eliminating waste, in addition to promoting the development of inflammatory compounds. Even mild dehydration causes a 3% decrease in basic metabolism, the results of which translate into a half-pound increase in fat every six months. Dr. Perricone recommends “avoiding tap water as it can contain harmful residues such as heavy metal particles.”
Pure cocoa in small «doses»
Yes, chocolate is good for slowing down aging! But in small doses and without milk! As pure as possible. It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the attack of free radicals and, thanks to its high magnesium content, regulates sugar levels, helps to ‘fix’ calcium, controls the intestinal flora and protects the cardiovascular system.