Intellectual development of preschool children: abilities, games means
The intellectual development of preschool children is associated with the attention of parents. It is during this period that the baby is able to easily learn a foreign language and a lot of other information.
Features of the development of intelligence in preschoolers
In the early stages, fine motor skills of the fingers are responsible for the development of intelligence. In infancy, the child should be introduced in stages to objects of various shapes that can be touched and manipulated with them.
The intellectual development of preschool children depends on the parents
A healthy child learns the world independently and with the help of adults, therefore, 2 conditions are needed for the development of intelligence:
- Do not interfere with the child’s knowledge of the world through objects and with the help of questions. Quite often, busy parents pull back the kid, brush aside his questions and interrupt his reasoning.
- Pay attention to the baby by conducting joint activities.
It is not enough for a preschooler to attend sections and circles, he needs directed interactions with loved ones.
Development of the preschooler’s abilities depending on the age period
Each stage of development is associated with the possibility of knowing the world around in one way or another. According to this principle, the following stages are distinguished:
- Up to 1,5, the child learns the world with the help of emotional images, at this time every object nearby must be studied with his hands.
- Up to 3 years old, the baby does not share himself with the outside world. The crisis of 3 years puts forward the need for independence.
- Up to 5 years, there is a logical stage of assimilation of information. Work with speech is responsible for the development of intelligence.
During this period, the development of the baby makes a huge leap, the child absorbs information like a sponge. The task of the parents is to create an emotionally warm environment for the baby.
Games and other means of developing intelligence
The preschooler’s leading activity is play. Any activity should be carried out only until the baby is bored. For this, the lesson should consist of different forms of interaction. For example, when you are learning a foreign language, break the lesson into:
- a fairy tale;
- Painting;
- active action – a scene;
- dialog;
- emotional release in the form of laughter or cries of animals;
- relaxation.
The latter can be done with children by asking them to imagine themselves on a warm beach or in a sunny meadow.
You can develop your baby’s intelligence by enriching his world with information during joint activities. The personal example of the parents plays a leading role, since the child copies the behavior of dad and mom.