Instead of pills: what to eat when stomach hurts

Abdominal pain can be due to different causes – from simple indigestion to chronic diseases that require medical intervention. In this case, we will talk about overloading the digestive tract poor diet or too oily or spicy food. As a result, there is heartburn, bloating, flatulence, and other unpleasant symptoms. These products will help to remove pain and other symptoms of indigestion without the aid of drugs.

Strong tea

Tea can have a relaxing anti-inflammatory effect on the patient’s stomach. Especially if you add to the drink herbs such as chamomile, Ivan-tea, or hip. This will improve the metabolism, relax muscles, relieve the feeling of heaviness and help digest fats.


Instead of pills: what to eat when stomach hurts

Ginger is a popular remedy for weight loss. Ginger speeds up the metabolic processes, reduces bloating, alleviates pain, and suppresses nausea. Drink ginger tea with honey and lemon – it will save you from problems with digestion.


Cranberry is a natural diuretic and helps to remove toxins from the body due to food poisoning. You can use berries and leaves of bilberry. This food will also reduce the symptoms of bowel disorders and lead slag. If you have increased acidity, drinking cranberries is undesirable.


Instead of pills: what to eat when stomach hurts

Mint perfectly neutralizes the unpleasant symptoms of indigestion and calms the pain in the intestines and stomach. Mint contains many essential oils that provide a soothing effect on the digestive organs and relieves heartburn by improving the flow of bile.


Apples are a fiber and pectin source, which stimulates peristalsis and helps you quickly get rid of excess food, removing the pressure on the digestive tract. Themselves apples provoke bloating; therefore, in such symptoms should not use them not to worsen the situation. With sharp pains in the stomach, you can drink Apple cider vinegar — you need a source of enzymes and bacteria to restore the stomach’s microflora.


Instead of pills: what to eat when stomach hurts

Natural yogurt will help to support the intestinal flora, without causing discomfort gently. It should be used continuously if the stomach’s your weak spot. Yogurt also improves immunity.


Cinnamon is an antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It will help you eliminate nausea and gastric pain, relieve swelling and speed up the metabolism. Cinnamon can be added as in food and drinks – this meal will win the taste.

Whole grains

For people suffering from gluten intolerance, you should add in foods whole, unprocessed grains. The body will digest fiber and lactic acid, which will improve the metabolism and relieve many digestion problems. Besides, grains have anti-inflammatory properties.

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