Indian onion: growing
Indian onion, or tailed poultry, belongs to medicinal plants and is used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You can meet this plant not only in personal plots. Availability and ease of care allow you to grow this unique flower on a windowsill in a city apartment.
Description of Indian onion, photo of the plant
The poultry garden belongs to the liliaceae family, with onions it is related only to the presence of a massive bulb. Long leaves grow up to 1 m in length and up to 5 cm in width, as they grow, they can curl and turn yellow at the ends. The plant is a perennial, its life can be up to 30 years.
The name of the Indian bow in English translates as “stars of Bethlehem”
The healing properties are explained by the high content of glycosides, alkaloids and other biologically active substances in the leaves, stems and flowers of the poultry farm. Only external use of medicinal forms of the plant is allowed, internal use can cause poisoning.
Blooming onions look amazingly beautiful. The long stalks are covered with small flowers that resemble hyacinths in their shape. The color of the petals can be white or cream. Starting from the 2nd year of development, babies are formed from the parent bulb – small onions. They can be used for plant propagation.
The plant can be grown both outdoors and in an apartment. It is important to remember that the flower does not tolerate frost, therefore, it is necessary to choose a sufficiently illuminated place for planting it. For the winter period, the bulb is dug up and stored indoors until spring.
You can transplant the plant into a flower pot for the winter and grow it as an indoor flower. You can also store dug up bulbs in a cool place, such as in the refrigerator or cellar.
Transplanting babies is the easiest way to breed a flower, Indian onions need pollination, so getting seeds at home is very difficult. Seed propagation is a long process: only the process of seed stratification takes 3 to 4 months. The process of seed germination will take about another six months.
The plant is very fond of moisture, therefore, the plant should be watered often, but water stagnation in the soil should not be allowed. When grown at home, as the bulb grows, it needs to be periodically transplanted into a larger pot.
By growing Indian onions in your home, you will forget about troubles such as joint pains and colds. The poultry farmer will rightfully become your home doctor and assistant in the fight for health.