In London, they eat protein – they say, it is fashionable and environmentally friendly

During the wars, of course, people had to save themselves from hunger with the help of squirrel meat. However, in peacetime, as a rule, these animals are the object of affection and care. So the fact that London-based restaurant Native has included protein meat on its menu has aroused controversy among many.

On the one hand, in the UK gastronomic environment, poultry meat is experiencing something of a renaissance. In addition, as environmentalists assure, gray squirrel meat (and this is the type that is cooked in the Native kitchen) is a more environmentally friendly version of meat, the use of which will minimize carbon dioxide emissions.

On the other hand, for many, squirrel meat is something unacceptable, because this animal is more for aesthetic pleasure.


Protein squirrel strife

Experts point out that eating wild squirrel meat does not cause serious harm to the environment, as this species, brought to the UK from America in the 1870s, almost completely replaced the endangered red squirrel. Since the appearance of gray squirrels, the population of red squirrels in the country has decreased from 3,5 million to 120-160 thousand individuals.

Local suppliers report that protein meat is becoming more popular, and in the last 5 years it has become the third most popular game after venison and pheasant. Since many consumers are very concerned about the suffering of farm animals, they are increasingly turning their attention to wild meat. 

What does pork meat taste like?

According to those who have already tasted pork meat, it tastes like a cross between rabbit and pigeon meat. 

Squirrel meat is best cooked in a slow cooker or stewed, and the hind legs of the animal are considered the most delicious. Native, on the other hand, offers its visitors lasagna with lamb.

Recall that earlier we talked about why cow meat is called beef. 

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