Delicious Street Food Trend – Spaghetti Donuts

The weather is not conducive to home gatherings. And food in the open air is an open question. Spaghetti donuts are a convenient way to have lunch or dinner. This unusual snack was first presented at the Smorgasburg street food fair in New York called Spaghetti Donuts.

Five different flavors could be tasted at the fair. “A la donuts” was invented and baked by Pop Pasta Bakery in Brooklyn.

Spaghetti donuts are prepared and the pastries are a version of the classic Neopolitan pasta dish. A special mixture of spaghetti, cheese, sauce and egg takes the shape of a donut and is quickly fried in olive oil to set. In addition to eggs and cheese, you can add garlic, ham, sausage or minced meat. And also prepare any version of the sauce for juiciness.


Spaghetti donuts are very popular fast food as they can be eaten with your hands on the go, at a picnic, or bought as an alternative to an office lunch.

Spaghetti donuts also have many critics who consider this food option too high in calories and difficult to digest. Basically, like any street fast food snack, it can have both fans and opponents.

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