A deficiency of phosphorus meets rarely and only for vegetarians, the menu of which doesn’t have meat and no phosphorus-containing foods. Phosphorus is responsible for the health of teeth and bones, for energy, which feeds on the body’s cells. If you have a weak immune system, muscular pain bothers you, there is anemia and poor appetite, one can suspect the lack of this important trace mineral. A day, an adult needs to consume 1000 mg of phosphorus. There are enough sources of phosphorus in nature, sufficient to prevent deficiency.
Oysters are the leaders in protein and plenty of vitamins A, C, and D, iodine, zinc, phosphorus (426 mg per 100 grams), fatty acids omega-3’s – this cocktail is particularly refreshing your appearance, improve the condition of skin, nails, and teeth, strengthen bones and nervous system, as well as a positive impact on the health of reproductive organs.
Peanut butter
Peanut butter delight foodies and fans of nutty flavor. This is a great source of protein and phosphorus. Choose natural peanut butter, which has no additional sweeteners, flavor enhancers, and preservatives.
Cereal grains contain a lot of phosphorus, so be sure to turn on cereals and whole wheat bread to your diet: champion beans – corn, the ranking of barley, wheat, and oats. Grains contain a lot of fiber, which helps your digestive tract work better.
Broccoli contains 66 mg of phosphorus per 100 grams and potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, a variety of vitamins, and the joy of losing weight, low in calories, is 34 kcal per 100 grams. Broccoli can be eaten raw. But if this option you not suitable, prepare this vegetable until soft – Alden.
Products containing calcium and fluoride in sufficient quantity, but especially a lot of them in cheese. For example, Parmesan cheese at the end of a 30 gram contains 213 mg of phosphorus, and goat cheese – 200 mg, mozzarella – 180 mg. These cheeses have a lower percentage of fat; therefore, they will not harm your figure.
Soybeans, lentils, beans – everything is a source of phosphorus. Soybeans contain 180 mg of phosphorus per 100 grams of product and 200 grams of white beans, 30 percent of this trace element’s daily value.
Seeds will be a good addition to your salads, smoothies, or morning oatmeal. Phosphorus-containing seeds – Chia, pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame seeds. 100 grams of pumpkin seeds — 1 233 mg of phosphorus. Chia seeds are the addition of phosphorus contain a lot of fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iron, and antioxidants.
Immune protection and anti-bacterial properties – so we are aware of the garlic. And it contains 153 mg of phosphorus per 100 grams, plus iron, zinc, and vitamin C. Garlic help to lower blood pressure and normalize cholesterol levels strengthens the heart.