In America, an employee of the SMM service was fired for trolling students

Katie Nash, an SMM employee in the district education department, teased students for their illiteracy. For which she paid.

America, with its tolerance and tolerance, sometimes shocks us, native Russian people. We are not about racial discrimination or even gender. The Internet brought a more amusing event to our networks.

Once upon a time there was an SMM specialist Katie Nash. She managed social media accounts on behalf of the district education department. And then one day one student wrote to the department’s Twitter with a request to close schools tomorrow. Tomorrow in English, if anyone does not remember – tomorrow. And the kid wrote tаmorrow. Katie noticed this and reacted with humor.

“Who, then, will teach you to write the word ‘tomorrow’ correctly?” She asked.

Everyone really liked the comment. The entry got a thousand likes, the same number of retweets. And even the hashtags named Katie Nash have appeared #KatiefromFCPS and #freekatie. With them, Katie tagged her other equally malicious tweets, ridiculing the illiterate posts of students.

Soon Katie’s direct employer became aware of this behavior. The officials of the department did not like how freely the specialist was behaving. And they asked her to return to the official tone of communication with subscribers. Katie didn’t obey. And she was fired for bullying her students.

“I was denied access to the department’s Twitter account,” Nash complained to The Frederick News Post. – But I think I did everything right. The interest in the account after my posts has grown significantly. And this is the task of the SMM specialist. “

In addition, Katie said she will continue to write about the current school system. True, from your personal account.

“As a mother of two children, one of whom is in the first grade and the other in the second, I believe that it is very important to be involved in this system.”

– It is unlikely that Katie’s sarcasm in this case can really be regarded as a mockery of schoolchildren. The psyche of children is not at all as fragile as we used to think, ”says psychologist Elena Chudova. – Children are quite capable of adequately taking criticism. And they really appreciate it when they communicate with them as equals. And if you treat a child like a crystal vase, protecting him from any negative influence, there is a great risk that you will grow up a rare manipulator who will twirl you as he wants.

Personal opinion

Laughter is a laugh, but literacy is actually a big problem. And not only in America. Have you ever been to parent-teacher conferences? Of course there have been. For the sake of curiosity, I looked a couple of times at the essays and dictations of my daughter’s classmates. This, I tell you, is a real stress for a literate person. Children who write in broken Russian write as they hear, ignoring punctuation marks … In general, it seems as if you are attending the funeral of the Russian language. Do not need! Needless to say, it is very difficult. No more difficult than it was 30, 40, 50 years ago, when we and our parents coped with it perfectly. Let’s be honest, it’s a shame not to know your language. It is even more embarrassing to hide behind your insufficient level of intelligence to master the language (native language!).

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