Important foods for smart kids

To enhance the attention and the child’s ability to perceive information, you can adjust the food properly. Find out what definitely eat smart kids for harmonious physical and mental development.

Fatty fish

Salmon, salmon, trout have a high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which increase IQ, increase the ability to analyze, and focus. For the development of intelligence, this fish is a must-have in the diet twice a week.


One egg contains 12 vitamins, including A, D, group b, E, and choline. This set is beneficial to the development of the brain, children’s intellectual abilities and provides a protein necessary for developing the bone and muscle mass of the growing organism.

Dairy products

Any dairy products combine proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in an excellent ratio and contain amino acids, vitamins, lactose, and mineral substances. Milk and dairy products have antimicrobial, antiviral, bactericidal, and antioxidant properties.


Blueberry is considered the berry of the mind – it improves blood vessels and blood circulation, contains several benefits for the brain amino acids, carotene, minerals, and vitamins. For baby food, blueberry is the best dessert.


Lentils are a source of vegetable protein and fiber, which perfectly saturate the child and resist the appearance of malignant tumors, normalize blood sugar levels, promptly cleanse the body of toxins, and provide food for the brain.

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