Ilona Lunden’s secrets of success

Lunden Ilona, ​​founder of the LUNDENILONA premium cosmetics brand, spoke about what she had to overcome on the way to fame and shared her beauty secrets.

In order to live, not exist, you only need perseverance. You also need to close your eyes to someone else’s opinion. You know, I wonder how many people in our country are strangled by the opinions of others … For some reason, the first thing everyone thinks about what the matchmaker, brother, neighbor will say about them tomorrow, but few people think about what they themselves will say about themselves after 10–20 years. Most people are very knowledgeable, they need to be motivated, and our television “poison” the brain for days. Teens need to be taught about great winners. People need to be given faith in a beautiful life in exchange for work. A good life, not a meager existence, has one formula – work, everything else after a while “will turn into a pumpkin.” I know many people who put their lives at the feet of labor, plowed for days, and all of them, without exception, have what they wanted.

A year ago, I signed a contract with one publisher to write a book. It was supposed to go to print this summer, I hoped that during my pregnancy I would be able to devote time to writing, but, alas, my work did not allow me to move beyond two chapters. I have a habit: when an idea arises, I immediately take out my phone and write it down on a dictaphone, in the case of a book, I wrote down all the memories, even overflowed the memory card, but I have absolutely no time to translate it into text. time. I hope that the second pregnancy will make it possible to complete what we started.

It’s not about styling. I think this is a substitution of concepts. The fact is that your hair is shiny, with a beautiful, even color, and as a good friend told me: “I want to touch your hair.” The styling, to be honest, was done with all possible mistakes. My hands have suffered a serious occupational disease, as a consequence, I cannot keep them raised for a long time, so when I use a curling iron, I wind the curl from tip to root, but in 95% of cases my hair naturally dries out on small round curlers. I only dream about the root volume, but here it is not only in the hands, but also in the fact that the hair is very heavy and smooth, even the fleece does not hold on it. Well, and on top of that, I do not use fixing agents, since I like the hair through which I want to run my hand.

I am taking a bath. Every day. Not a shower, but a 15–20 minute bath. It instantly relieves fatigue from me. I love a sea salt or seaweed bath. Every day, in whatever condition I am, I wash my face very carefully and apply a mask. On Tuesday and Friday I first have 15 minutes for a cleansing mask, after – a moisturizing mask, on all other days – only a moisturizing mask. Every Monday before the moisturizing mask I do a facial peeling. I rarely apply nourishing masks, I try to listen to the wishes of my skin. My “fad” is hydration, I’m afraid of Botox, I can’t explain why. I try to postpone this day at least until 30 years, and maybe up to 35. For me it is like a messenger of the approaching “beginning of the end”. So I constantly moisturize myself from the inside with oils and water, and from the outside – with masks.

I love ice. Even during the renovation, I took a place in the bathroom for a small refrigerator with a freezer, where now a pile of cold cubes. When there is time, I wipe myself with frozen kelp tincture from head to toe. If time does not allow, then I wipe my face. Now I have frozen aloe juice for this.

I cannot say that there were plans to conquer the cosmetic market. Something like this in my thoughts, maybe, and soared, but it seemed something supernatural and too impudent. The primary reason for creating a brand is to make a really high-quality product for myself, my friends and hundreds of my clients, who have accumulated over the years of practicing hair extensions and bridal hairstyles. LUNDENILONA has absolutely unpretentious boxes and bottles, because every consumer understands what he pays for the gloss. In my opinion, it is better to pay for the result, which means that the savings on a box with a gold border are more likely to be included in the composition. Actually, it was the savings on billboards, gloss pages, minutes of airtime, shelves in salons and the manufacture of inviting packaging and crystal bottles that made it possible to create a product with an insanely powerful composition and high-quality ingredients. And in gratitude, I received from clients the most expensive and inaccessible form of advertising for many – word of mouth. To this day, the company does not have an advertising budget, the quality of the products promotes it by itself.

You know, it’s even funny now, but until I started to make a good living, I wanted to wear branded things and so that they were full of world-famous logos. As soon as the opportunity arose, the desire disappeared. I love dresses, mostly I wear them, they are all from completely ordinary chain stores. My bags and shoes are quite expensive, since, in my opinion, they are eternal, this, in the end, comes out much more practical. I know how money is made, it’s too hard to get spent.

There are no plans as such. There are products waiting in the wings. One of them will go on sale in late February – early March, the next two will go for certification in early 2014. In general, 2014 will be a turning point for LUNDENILONA, I decided to change a lot, in a few months we will enter the world market, and this is already a different level. The growth rate of LUNDENILONA is so fast that I, a person who have not managed anything like this before, do not manage to do everything alone, so I have a lot to learn, but I am sure that I can do it.

If in the cold season we change the places of the night and day creams, then in the summer everything returns to normal – in the morning the skin is always intensively moisturized, and before bedtime it is nourished! After washing, you need to use a toner, it will remove the limescale remaining after rinsing with water from the skin, then you need to apply a serum with UV protection and antioxidants, and then a suitable cream. Hair in the summer loses moisture very quickly, they need to be moistened during the day with thermal water or herbal infusion. For this purpose, from readily available pharmaceutical herbs, I would advise brewing linden, which contains powerful moisturizing substances, or medicinal lemon balm.

Ilona Lunden with her son Yeseniy

There is no single best product for everyone, and such a thing is, in principle, impossible, since we are all special and with individual needs. Cosmetics, in general, are chosen by trial and error, the deepest delusion is to be based on the opinion of others about a cream or mask. Someone will love our hand mask, it works wonders with dry skin. Someone will prefer hair rituals from LUNDENILONA, saturated with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients that give a transforming effect after the first application, and there are those who cannot wait a week for the delivery of a body wrap, its “reactive” action will instantly remove all unnecessary thighs after a feast. I made these products for myself, my friends and clients, naturally, I am in love with every product, and girls need to try and choose their favorite.

Throughout my pregnancy, I had a time manager, he taught me to plan, and now I make the schedule myself. I usually know what I need to do, where to go and what to visit in three months. To be honest, I’m a terrible lazy person, only a clear plan saves me, if not for him, I would have put everything off until tomorrow. Perhaps it is thanks to the plan that I have time for everything and even more. As I said earlier, I even apply masks according to a clear schedule. For example, I answer interview questions only on Thursdays, for manicure and pedicure I go to a 4-hour beauty salon on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, I dye my hair every 19th and 6th of the month. I work without days off and holidays, since all projects are firmly on their feet and it now takes about 20 hours to resolve all issues. I do sports mostly at home, every day for 30-1,5 minutes, it suits me much more than turning inside out for XNUMX hours twice a week, but sometimes I visit it too.

Ilona Lunden with her husband and son Yeseniy

You know, in all spheres of life we ​​are often hindered by fears, so let this year “I want” become stronger “I am afraid”. I want to stop waiting for approval from others, and follow my desires and goals. Well, and miracles! Where can we go without them?

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