If the sausages taste sour
An unpleasant sour taste in cooked sausages may be a sign that they are beginning to deteriorate. In this case, you cannot eat them. But there may be another reason – the use of secondary raw materials in the production. According to some reports, manufacturers use sausages that have gone off sale after the expiration date (week).
Flavor enhancers such as glutamate are added to the crushed sausages. He not only “tricks” the taste buds, disrupting their work, but also harms health. Sausages are again made from this mass. Of course, such a product cannot be either high-quality or tasty. Therefore, you should choose a product by studying the composition on the package, and remember that too cheap sausages, as a rule, are of extremely low quality.
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>>グルタミン酸などの調味料が加えられています。 彼は味蕾を「だまして」彼らの仕事を混乱させるだけでなく、健康を害します。