If lethargy and sleepiness: 8 staples of the offseason

During the period of warm and cold seasons, a breakdown naturally occurs. Energy is barely enough, often only until lunchtime, you constantly want to sleep, you feel overwhelmed, there is not enough ability to bring things to an end. The reason for this condition is vitamin deficiency. How to change the situation and give your body a boost of vivacity? Focus on the following products.

Brown rice 

This type of rice contains the maximum amount of magnesium, which is responsible for balance and vitality of the whole body. This is a great side dish for your lunch when you are running out of energy in the morning.


Sea fish 

Sea fish contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which improve mood, well-being, increase immunity and promote the appearance of new energy. Baked or steamed – it will retain the maximum of its useful properties.


Eggs are not only a protein that perfectly saturates the body, but also a huge amount of amino acids that are perfectly absorbed by humans. Amino acids are responsible for muscle recovery, which means you will feel refreshed.


Spinach contains iron in large quantities, and it is responsible for the body’s energy metabolism. For better iron absorption, add lemon juice to spinach dishes. 

Spinach makes delicious salads and makes super healthy smoothies. 


Bananas are high in calories, and therefore will provide enough energy. Banana is a source of pectin, beta-carotene, vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, fructose, and fiber. All this makes this fruit a real energy bomb.


Honey contains many beneficial substances to boost your immune system. This is a whole range of vitamins, as well as magnesium, copper and potassium, necessary for renewal and maintenance of strength.


Calcium and magnesium are also found in yogurt, and they help the body to recover quickly from a loss of strength. Vitamins of group B, which yogurt is rich in, improve brain activity and improve mood.


Citrus fruits are still valid before the first seasonal fruits appear. Oranges are a source of potassium, folate and vitamin C.

They help cleanse the blood, tone the entire body, give it vitality and energy, improve appetite.

We will remind, earlier we told that it is better to eat in the fall, so as not to gain weight, and also wrote about which foods spoil our mood.

Be healthy!

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