If boiled beets are bitter

If boiled beets are bitter

Reading time – 3 minutes.

Boiled beets give off bitterness if they were old or overripe. This is the most common reason.

Root crops can also become bitter as a result of violation of agricultural technology during cultivation. The taste of beets does not change for the better, if during the growth in the garden it did not have enough moisture. Due to the low level of moisture in the soil, the taste of the vegetable becomes more intense and acquires an unpleasant bitterness. The same happens if the beets are not dug out on time and they outgrow.

If you boiled beets and they are bitter, cut them in half and cut out all dark places, add sugar and / or beets. If it does not help, it is better to go to the store for high-quality beets and boil the beets again according to all the rules.

If you grow beets yourself, know: to increase the sugar content of beets during cultivation, pre-fertilization of the earth with humus and thinning after the appearance of the first shoots will help.

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