If a small belly during pregnancy: why a small belly
If a small belly is during pregnancy, the expectant mother is overcome by excitement. This may depend on the individual characteristics of the woman, but only the doctor determines if there are any deviations from the norm.
Why a small belly during pregnancy?
The small size of the abdomen is not very frequent, but it may well be a physiological norm. If the expectant mother has been examined and no pathologies in the development of the fetus have been identified, there is no cause for concern.
If you have a small belly during pregnancy, you need to consult a gynecologist
Gynecologists-obstetricians identify several natural reasons why a woman has a small belly during pregnancy:
- Heredity. If the parents are not tall and heavy, the future baby most likely inherited a diminutive physique.
- Toxicosis. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman loses weight due to bouts of toxicosis, the stomach in this case loses weight in the same way as other parts of the body.
- Features of the physique. For expectant mothers with a large figure and wide hips, the tummy is less noticeable than that of petite girls.
- The condition of the muscles of the press. A trained press retains elasticity for a long time, keeping the stomach in good shape and preventing it from blurring.
- Proper nutrition. If a young mother leads a healthy lifestyle and eats properly, her belly remains small, since excess fat does not accumulate in the waist area.
- Features of the location of the fetus. Sometimes the ovum is fixed closer to the back wall of the uterus, and the baby inside is located across the pelvis. In such a situation, the tummy will not protrude much outward.
To make sure your pregnancy is proceeding normally, be sure to visit your gynecologist. Only he will be able to determine whether the size of the uterus corresponds to the term.
Unfortunately, a small belly during pregnancy can also indicate violations:
- Low water. If there is not enough amniotic fluid, the tummy practically does not grow, and the walls of the uterus press on the baby, forcing him to be in an uncomfortable position. This condition is dangerous, since it leads to curvature of the spine or legs of the baby, as well as to the accretion of his skin to the membrane of the ovum.
- Fetal hypotrophy. A small belly in this case indicates a lag in the physical development of the fetus.
In case of detection of such pathologies, the expectant mother should undergo appropriate treatment and be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.
If a woman carefully monitors her health, and the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the small size of the abdomen is not at all a cause for concern. It doesn’t matter how the tummy looks from the outside, the main thing is that the development of the baby corresponds to the gestational age.