I wanted a boy: it’s a girl!

My first pregnancy went really well! No nausea or dizziness: I felt great. In addition, being already quite round, I had only gained two kilos. A real joy.

We had been trying to have a baby for almost two years and finally we were going to have the cutest little guy in the world. Because the question did not even arise, it was a male heir, for sure!

At the dawn of the fifth month, during the echo-morpho, the radiologist told me that I was expecting a beautiful little girl. My husband seemed delighted, but I… O rage, O despair! What confusion and what anger! Me who usually had a kind of sixth sense to sense events … I thought at first that the radiologist had said that to annoy me, but no! It was indeed a girl who was growing inside me. I cried for hours, cried with disappointment and rage. Not against this sweet baby who hadn’t asked for anything, but against myself. I got it into my head that it was a boy, without even considering for a second the possibility that I might be able to conceive a pepette. So I cried a lot and when I was done I was like, “As long as your baby is born healthy, this is the main thing. Girl or boy, we don’t care! ”

Now my princess Heloise is two and a half years old. She is the prettiest of all the little girls in the world and I am the proudest and happiest mom. Especially since in a few months, the family will grow: little sister, little brother? We don’t know yet, but what I’m sure is that my princess will be a wonderful big sister.

Valérie, by Internet

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