I feel depressed during pregnancy, what should I do?

Depression during pregnancy: 4 possible reasons

Depressed future mom, the hormones blame

It is especially at first trimester of pregnancy that the risk of depression is important. The high rate of progesterone, hormone of serenity and balance, necessary for the implantation of the egg, can cause sadness and fatigue in some future mothers. Then come the specific ailments of this period (nausea, vomiting, worry, fatigue, disturbed sleep and appetite, etc.) which can destabilize women who are already fragile.

In video: I feel depressed while pregnant, what should I do?

Depression during pregnancy and complicated medical background

La trough can be used by expectant mothers whose pregnancy was difficult to start or who have had infertility treatment. Numerous studies suggest that after focusing for many months on design, these women sometimes destabilized by the reality of pregnancy.

Depression can also affect a person who already has children and who has had difficulty during a pregnancy or a previous childbirth. Likewise, when the current pregnancy is associated with medical complications or if there are risks to the baby, the level of anxiety is such that sometimes it turns into depression.

Anxiety as the birth approaches

There may be a second peak of blues during the eighth month of pregnancy. At this precise moment, we are going through a period of very legitimate discouragement. First of all physically, the body is heavier, even painful, in the joints, back, pelvis. We sleep badly, we feel a lot of inconvenience such as cramps, acid reflux. The libido is sometimes in total hibernation. All of this creates a context that promotes depression. Finally, this baby who takes up so much space, both literally and figuratively, will soon be here and the prospect of childbirth can be scary, even terrifying, for some women.

Pregnancy: depression linked to personal history

Other events may influence the psychic well-being of the future mother and, among them, a painful personal story : abandonment or difficult relationships with own parents, history of physical or sexual abuse in childhood.

When the woman has ever suffered from depression before being pregnant, she is also more vulnerable, just like the mother who lives in difficult conditions, without outside help, isolated, without the support of his family or friends. a deuil or a disagreement, even a breaking within the couple, or simply a move are more or less sad events and as many upheavals that can lead to a feeling of depression at the mother-to-be.

Depressed During Pregnancy: Get Help

A depressed pregnant woman has a hard time expressing her feelings and understanding what is happening to her. However, often the first step to recovery is to talk about it, with his relatives or his doctor. Several solutions exist. A few sessions (sometimes one or two may be enough) of psychotherapy give good results. In addition, the relaxation methods allow the mother-to-be to evacuate stress and anxiety. Among alternative medicine, acupuncture, homeopathic treatments or exposure to white light (light therapy) can also be effective. Turn to sites like Maman blues, or our forums, to collect testimonials and little words of benevolence. Finally, specialized units can also accommodate you if you feel in great difficulty. If necessary, antidepressant treatment may be offered.

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