Hyperopia nutrition

General description of the disease


Farsightedness or hyperopia is a type of visual impairment in which the image of close objects (up to 30 cm) is focused in the plane behind the retina and leads to a blurred image.

Hyperopia reasons

age-related changes in the lens (reduced elasticity of the lens, weakened muscles that hold the lens), a shortened eyeball.

Degrees of farsightedness

  • Weak degree (+ 2,0 diopters): with high vision, dizziness, fatigue, headache are observed.
  • Average degree (+2 to + 5 diopters): With normal vision, it is difficult to perceive objects close up.
  • High degree more + 5 diopters.

Useful foods for hyperopia

Many modern medical scientists in their research emphasize that the diet is directly related to the state of a person’s vision. For eye diseases, plant food is recommended, which contains vitamins (namely, vitamins A, B, and C) and trace elements.

Foods rich in vitamin A (axeroftol): cod and animal liver, yolk, butter, cream, whale and fish oil, cheddar cheese, fortified margarine. In addition, vitamin A is synthesized by the body from carotene (provitamin A): carrots, sea buckthorn, bell peppers, sorrel, raw spinach, apricots, rowan berries, lettuce. Axeroftol is a part of the retina and its light-sensitive substance, an insufficient amount of it leads to a decrease in vision (especially at twilight and darkness). An excess of vitamin A in the body can cause uneven breathing, liver damage, salt deposition in the joints, and seizures.


Foods with a high content of vitamin B (namely, B 1, B 6, B 2, B 12) help to maintain and restore the health of the optic nerve, normalize metabolism (including in the lens and cornea of ​​the eye), “burn” carbohydrates, prevent ruptures of small blood vessels:

  • В1: kidneys, rye bread, wheat sprouts, barley, yeast, potatoes, soybeans, legumes, fresh vegetables;
  • B2: apples, shell and germ of wheat grains, yeast, cereals, cheese, eggs, nuts;
  • B6: milk, cabbage, fish of all kinds;
  • B12: cottage cheese.

Foods rich in vitamins C (ascorbic acid): dried rose hips, rowan berries, red peppers, spinach, sorrel, red carrots, tomatoes, autumn potatoes, fresh white cabbage.

Protein products with protein (white lean meat of chicken, fish, rabbit, lean beef, veal, dairy products, egg whites and products from them (soy milk, tofu).

Products with phosphorus, iron (heart, brains, animal blood, beans, green vegetables, rye bread).

Products with potassium (vinegar, apple juice, honey, parsley, celery, potatoes, melon, green onions, orange, raisins, dried apricots, sunflower, olive, soybean, peanut, corn oil).

Folk remedies for hyperopia

Infusion of walnut shells (stage 1: 5 chopped walnut shells, 2 tablespoons of burdock root and chopped nettle, pour 1,5 liters of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. Stage 2: add 50 g of rue herb, viper, Icelandic moss, white acacia flowers, one teaspoon of cinnamon, one lemon, boil for 15 minutes) take 70 ml after meals after 2 hours.

Rosehip infusion (1 kg of fresh rose hips, for three liters of water, cook until completely softened, rub the fruits through a sieve, add two liters of hot water and two glasses of honey, cook over low heat for up to 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, cork), take one hundred milliliters before meals 4 times a day.

Infusion of needles (five tablespoons of chopped needles per half liter of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes in a water bath, wrap and leave overnight, strain) take one tbsp. spoon after meals 4 times a day.

Blueberries or cherries (fresh and jam) take 3 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Dangerous and harmful products for hyperopia

An improper diet worsens the condition of the eye muscles, leading to the inability of the retina to generate nerve impulses. These include: alcohol, tea, coffee, refined white sugar, demineralized and devitaminized food, bread, cereals, canned and smoked foods, white flour, jam, chocolate, cakes and other sweets.


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